Callisto Geographic Location in The Expanse | World Anvil
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This large moon’s tectonic stability and significant deposits of rare minerals made it an ideal location for Mars’ shipyards, the largest in the Outers. Most of the MCRN’s fleet has been built orbiting Callisto, where the shipyards are capable of building hulls up to 700 meters in length: Donnager class ships.   Port Hampton is the moon’s only settlement, dug into the walls of a large crater used as a launching point for ships carrying minerals up to the orbiting shipyards. Like many cities built around industries that require hard physical labor and long hours and weeks on shift, it has a frontier town reputation: a place for the jarheads and contractors to party and blow off steam on shore leave. Most of its permanent inhabitants are involved in businesses that profit from said shore leaves. A security force is maintained to handle any issues that stem from drunk marines and miners, supplemented by an MCRN battle group on station near the docks. MCRN’s most significant presence is, of course, in orbit.   Callisto is one of the only moons of Jupiter where radioactive minerals are close enough to the surface for easy extraction, however it hasn’t created a strong economy. Mining and shipbuilding are the only sources of revenue, and revenue that comes only from Mars. The moon is one of the truest examples of a buyer’s market.
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