New York City Settlement in The Expanse | World Anvil
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New York City

Earth’s capital is New York City, home to the government and military of the United Nations of Earth, though the UN’s administrative offices and the headquarters of its judicial branch are in the Hague. The old nation-states of Earth no longer exist. Instead, the United Nations has divided the planet into regional administrative zones, such as the West African Shared Interest Zone, the North American Shared Interest Zone, the Common European Interest Zone, the Maharashtra-Karnataka-Goa Communal Interest Zone, the Persian Gulf Shared Interest Zone, the Balkan Shared Interest Zone, and the Pashwiri Autonomous Zone. These regional zones are determined by the “common interests” shared by the people living within them. Their boundaries bear little relation to the ancient borders that once covered Earth’s maps and often divided culturally similar populations among multiple independent nation-states. Climate change has caused sea levels on Earth to rise, flooding many coastal cities and turning them in whole or in part into crumbling, waterlogged ruins jutting from the sea. Other coastal population centers are protected by great sea walls that hold back the rising tide.
Large city
Location under
Owning Organization


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