Lovell City Settlement in The Expanse | World Anvil
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Lovell City

Luna’s largest settlement and de facto capital, Lovell City, spreads out around the primary lunar spaceport, though little of the city is visible from the surface. Just like its sister cities on Earth, Lovell City contains warehouses, commercial centers, office complexes, shipyards, convention centers, hotels, prisons, residential areas, and schools. Pedicabs carry passengers on short trips through the city’s tunnels, but mass transit tube stations are scattered throughout Lovell City, connecting its farther-flung districts. Lovell City’s spaceport is almost unique in the system, its ancient docks having been dug out of the lunar surface. Tugs guide vessels in and out of the docks, which are large enough to house entire ships within them. And unlike in the spin stations of the Belt, where vessels sit in vacuum while docked, Luna’s docks have retractable seals, allowing them to be filled with air so maintenance and repair crews can comfortably work on the parked ships.
Large city
Location under
Included Locations
Owning Organization


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