Londres Nova Settlement in The Expanse | World Anvil
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Londres Nova

Londres Nova, “New London,” is a city located in the northern reach of the Aurorae Sinus. Like most Martian cities, it’s a partly underground webwork of tunnels under permafrost, dotted with tube stations determining the social structure of the long since built-up residential areas. Ten agricultural domes press out to the surface, and seven neighborhoods radiate out below the surface. The oldest parts of the city bear the early marks of colonization, the scars carved into the planet by automated construction robots and the preference of the earliest colonists for function over form.   Aterpol is considered the “downtown” of the city, with tube connections to all other neighborhoods, and shops and restaurants catering to the high-class residents able to afford the neighborhood. The Martian Congressional Republic keeps their offices in Aterpol, right beside the downtown area known as Olympia. The government regularly broadcasts sessions in debate, but few find them as lively as the byzantine politics of Earth.   Salton has a high-speed surface monorail to the observatory at Dhanbad Nova, neatly connecting the upper university and technical clinics with the lower university in middle-class Breach Candy. Londres Nova’s two former industrial neighborhoods, Nariman and Martineztown, are struggling to reinvent themselves in the wake of obsolescence from technological development, with mostly lower-class families living there. The worst parts of town are Innis Deep and Innis Shallows. Each has only a single tube route, making them cul-de-sacs and havens for Belter-like Martians: antisocial, independent, intolerant. Despite this, they’re perhaps the most welcoming to outsiders (if only because outsiders can’t get an apartment anywhere else), and Martians involved in social outreach move there to help the dispossessed. Drug dealers prowl the underbelly of the city, recruiting young chemists from the university to cook high-quality narcotics for sale to the Martian population.
Alternative Name(s)
New London
Large city
Location under
Owning Organization


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