Titan Geographic Location in The Expanse | World Anvil
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The most populous moon in the system has a thick cloud cover that generates strange and beautiful solar wind displays as the moon moves in and out of Saturn’s powerful magnetic field. These stunning storms and formations are visible through the aboveground domed habitats on Titan, providing the moon’s main source of income: tourism. The moon is a popular vacation spot for visitors from the Outers, and sometimes even those from the Inner Planets will make the long trip to spend a few weeks on Titan, watching the spectacle of colorful clouds and eating in the best restaurants the Outer Planets have to offer.   Titan is also the most chemically active body in the solar system, aside from Earth. Both the atmosphere and icy surface of the moon are filled with organic compounds not found anywhere else. Easy access to ice suitable for oxygen and water production and a lack of available sunlight have put Titan on the forefront of sunlight-free food production. The yeasts and other compounds produced as food on the moon might be considered strange to those accustomed to their food being grown in the dirt, or walking on it—but Titan is a long, long way from Earth.   Due to both food production and tourist cash, Titan’s economy is strong. If someone on the moon isn’t working, it’s because they don’t want to, or are unable.
Planetoid / Moon
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