Aurora City Settlement in The Etherium | World Anvil

Aurora City

Aurora City, also known as the Painted City, was both Grown and Built. Originally a Druidic Conclave the oldest structures are not buildings, but rather Trees, which have continued to grow with additions built onto and around them. The city has an organic look, both in material and over all design as it was expanded upon as needed. Great spires stand side by side with gargantuan trees, both of which house thousands of inhabitants


Still predominantly an Elven settlement, many of the Fayen Collective's Races can be found here. In addition Orcs, Humans and Half-Breeds are also identifiable among the city's ongoing, however most are relegated to Outer City settlements only allowed entry to perform their jobs and tasks. The exception to this being those with talent in the Arcane Arts who are welcomed with open arms.


Aurora City is the Heart of FayCol politics, housing the High Mageist Council as well as The Archmages Three .


Nature is predominate in the city, preferring to work around nature encouraging it to grow in helpful ways rather than to remove or build over it. Winding roads and paths snake through the greenery with the colorful canopy of trees shading their paths. Courtyards bask in mixed nodelight and shade, and large platforms jut out from the mighty trunks of the mammoth trees.


Center of Arcane Academia
Ironwood Trees
Abundance of Greenery
Alternative Name(s)
Painted City
Elves(Predominantly Bright Elves), Gnomes, Genasi, Firbolg.
Provisionally Orcs & Humans & Half-Breeds
Inhabitant Demonym
Auroran Citizens
Location under
Owning Organization


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