Aethermancy in The Etherium | World Anvil


The Cosmic flows of Magic in the Etherium used to be something different, something more. Whatever form they took The Sundering tore apart the Etherium and Magic as we had understood along with it. Over the course of 1000 years the scattered threads of Arcana found each other, twineing together into the Aether Streams we know today. In time those Streams crossed paths, again and again until the Nodes formed along their length. The Etherium stilled and night and day were returned, and with them the desire to discover what was!
Through experimentation and study a new form of spellcasting was developed, with the Aether to fuel it. Weather born with the gift or acquired through hard work many individuals can sense the billions of invisible intangible stray strands that splay out from the Aether Streams and Nodes. Carefully done these strands can be woven together to create Spells and Enchantments. A mage can sense the Aether no matter where they are and with it wrought great wonders of magic. All across the Etherium individuals are born with this gift and others work hard to acquire it. However some of the races are far more gifted than others in this capacity, like the Elves and Gnomes. As such it is no great surprise that they posses a far greater understanding and mastery of the Arcane Arts over their less gifted counterparts.
A offshoot of Aetheric Magic called Artificery has been invented and mastered by the Dwarves and Halflings. This more rugged practice while still Magic, it is not the artform the more Arcane Races preform. Artificery involves the use of Aether Crystals crafted into intricate patterns and runes upon weapons, tools and other devices. With these they channel the Aether through the Crystal Patterns in order to simulate the processes of Spell Casting. While easy to reproduce and requiring no real education to operate, this method results in a great loss of stored power preventing the replication of Grander Spells of the more Traditional Methods.

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