Groge Whyte Settlement in The Denary Realms | World Anvil

Groge Whyte

There was once an army marching against a neighboring kingdom.
They had learned on their way that the other kingdom had hired a Whytehand for help but they were an army, their leader said, what could one man do?
Upon reaching a bridge, they saw the man, dressed in the traditional white robed clothes waiting for them. The leader send ten of his best to dispatch of him but the man made short work of them all. Furious he send 100 of his men and he saw the man running away from the bridge, his men chasing after him. That should settle this, he thought.
Sounds of fighting could be heard over the river and the leader started to get worried, this shouldn't be taking this long. Finally one of his men was seen stumbling over the bridge as he ran towards them. The man was a bit far off but he seemed to be yelling something. Alarmed, the leader started striding towards his soldier to hear better. What he heard, froze his blood in his veins.
"Run you fools, they didn't hire one. They hired two!"
— Old Joke
  Currently Groge Whyte is part of Illion and its citizens are living on Darka Serena Isle, which consists of three settlements, Hearthport, Brightport and Ironbarrow.




Army of 700 soldiers

Industry & Trade

Groge Whyte makes most of its money exporting its most famous asset: Whytehands, an elite mercenary force

Guilds and Factions

The Whytehands


Groge Whyte was founded immediately following The Blight by a group of seasoned veterans who found the island unoccupied, its citizens dead. They opted to bury the bodies in the sea and take over the flat island. They soon realized that they had little knowledge of fishing, farming and other aspects that would allow them to settle the island properly. So they decided to ask neighboring kingdoms for help, offering to do what they did best, fight for them.   Fight after fight, their reputation grew as the most fearsome warriors in the area, rivaling even the Hoplites of Eteron Exarchon. Various kingdoms offered them specialists, such as fishermen and farmers in exchange for their services. The fishermen and farmers opted to stay permanently after seeing that they would be very well protected within the island. And a kingdom was born.   Groge Whyte is ruled by a militaristic council, which decides which contracts they will undertake and the day to day operations of the surrounding villages. Every family since the creation of the nation has taken the prefix Whyte for their name, with notable examples including Whytelaw, Whytefire and Whytesteel. Their fighters are skilled martial artists who also exercise magic during combat, making them a fearsome combination.   Since The Fall and Rise of Illion, which they played a signficant part in, they have moved their nation to another location provided to them while their training headquarters are in Verain Keep. They are now considered a part of The Empire of Illion, the name Groge Whyte only used to indicate their culture rather than their location.

Points of interest

Groge Whyte is also the name of the leader of the mercenary band which settle the island after The Blight.


Initially Groge Whyte was the name of the island and the nation that was north of Aurelia. However following The Fall And Rise of Illion, they soon relocated to Darka Serena Isle while also keeping a suitable number of forces within Verain Castle.
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under

Cover image: by Endora Rodgers


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