Lake of the Dragon's Stomach Geographic Location in The Cradle of Worlds | World Anvil

Lake of the Dragon's Stomach

Deep within the Sky and Sea Mountain is an ancient volcanic heated lake. This lake was originally used as a great bathing spot for dragons who met at this mountain retreat. As such there are multiple levels with varying temperatures in addition to resting ledges. Several paths lead from this lake to the individual temporary lairs of dragons as well as a vertical shaft to the ancient lair of Pluritexifan. Several smaller passages and chambers branch off this great lake's cavern that were likely used as servant entrances or private meeting chambers.   Over time, and after Pluritexfan became an undead dragon, the lake was slowly befouled and is now poisonous and acidic.


Just because the lake is toxic to most, a few species have begun to thrive. These include various forms of lichen, moss, scum, weeds, the Tiger Striped Hooked Slug and the strange Blob fish people who call themselves the Urgleblurgblug. The blue lichen provides a low level of light to the caves and the yellow scum food for the slugs.

Localized Phenomena

Periodically the geothermal vents cause a steaming and roiling boil to occur in the central pool and these effects of super heated water extend through side vents in various locales around the overall cavern.

Natural Resources

The sloughweed is useful as a alchemical reagent and is often used in alchemist's fire and as a binding agent for potions and tanglefoot foams. The blue lichen can be extracted to produce a fantastic blue coloration for fabric dying but also can be used to produce luminescent oils that can be used for non burning lanterns that provide a good underground light source. The blue lichen oil is often added to smoke powders for a colorful entertainment effect. Commercially available blue lichen is often grown by hedge wizards, witches and alchemists but cavern sources are often highly prized as a more potent source.
Alternative Name(s)
Deepharbor Mountain, Dragon Moot
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Articles under Lake of the Dragon's Stomach

Cover image: by Markus Dehning (vertixico)


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