Keepers of the Skull Organization in The Cradle of Worlds | World Anvil

Keepers of the Skull

The Keepers of the Skull are based on the incomplete and inaccurate reading of the Host of the Nomele's book of rites and procedures. They are the ruling religious cult over the Urgleblurgblug. They perform sacrifices on the crystal altar before the great skull in the cave.

Mythology & Lore

The world was created by the great ones, one of them guards and protects us leaving a part of his body behind, just as we leave ours behind to benefit our descendants. This great skull guides us and protects us from invaders from the empty place.


Dancing, singing, self flagellation, sacrifices and burnings. These are the most common methods of worship. Ritual scarification is common and especially done after major life events. As the lifespan of the fish folk varies by type but usually not beyond a few decades, these scars are added almost yearly.

Granted Divine Powers

Priests of the Keepers can spurt a wad of sticky substance tying the unfaithful down. They can call down necromantic lightning, and they can float in the air. More powers appear among the more powerful of the priests.

Political Influence & Intrigue

As the only real body of power among the people they have no reason to be unified, and have significant backbiting and infighting. Continual attempts to curry favor with the skull by vigils and flagellation are used to try to increase individual powers. These seem to almost come at random however, even though the priests attribute it to being an omen and will use that to give seemingly mad commands to the people as their divine interpretation of the skulls will.   Current factions include the: followers of Hgulk the eyeless, who desire to invade the iron beaks territory and finish them off for good; followers of Glorop the burned who desires a massive feast and bathing ceremony; followers of Pli-Plip the engorged who desires deep dives to explore the deep channels of the lake; and followers of Glorop the blackened who desires to awaken the Skull for more direct advice.

Cover image: by Markus Dehning (vertixico)


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