Chapter Twelve: The Mess that Followed Report in The Corporate States of America | World Anvil
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Chapter Twelve: The Mess that Followed

General Summary

On the evening of February 1st, 2162, the discontents had become split up after an attack on the commune.
The one in most peril was Wei, who had been shot in the hip after fighting off the attacker who had targeted James and Celeste Munoz. Members of Nature's Samsara put Wei a stretcher and called for help. Wei went unconscious from the pain, only to realize later a helicopter had lifted him up and took him to the Las Vegas hospital.
At the same time James was brought to a place to recover along with Celeste in one of the group housing areas. After a point, Celeste was brought somewhere else, leaving James alone with Ursla. He decided to admit to her that he was actually here from Delaera in order to locate Tesla Price. Realizing her friend never made it home, Ursla promised to help James connect with Eric Teichman, a member of Nature's Samsara on The Elko Commune who may know more about Tesla before she left.
While care for James and Wei was happening elsewhere, Dahlia Munoz began to question Raymond and Sebastian. Sebastian continued to insist that he wasn't sure if he knew the woman who attacked him. He did know that woman to be Ria Fan, the woman who tried to poison the discontents on the North American United High Speed Rail. Unfortunately, Dahlia thought that Sebastian was lying about what he knew, and quickly had Sebastian tied up and sequestered under surveillance in the small schoolhouse on the commune. Raymond honestly said he didn't know who it was and that he had spent so much of his life drunk that this attack could be linked to an incident he didn't remember. Dahlia still had him watched overnight by Tabitha Ellis, the only Mandarin speaker available on the commune.
As the rest of his compatriots were being watched on the commune, Wei was visited by Bodi Poppiti in the hospital before daylight broke on February 2nd. Bodi asked about what was discovered on the commune, including the fate of Winston Deyes. Wei gave the information about the suspicions of what happened to Tesla and Winston's very adult relationship with Dahlia. Bodi, feeling a bit punch from being awake so early, was determined to use this information to Delaera's benefit, and left Wei to heal.
At breakfast, James and Ursla ate together. When the opportunity arose Ursla brought over Eric to speak to James. With some quick conversation James convinced Eric to reveal what he had--Tesla's old computer. James did a quick search of it during the morning and spent time reading Tesla's old journal entries, which included some of her conflicts with Ivan Sprouse base on her suspicions of him grooming some of the children.
That same morning, Dahlia came to Sebastian in the schoolhouse and with a stern face released Sebastian completely. He joined Tabitha and Raymond after breakfast. Soon, Raymond heard a drone buzz overheard. The three rushed over to find Dahlia and let her know of the situation. Dahlia assured them that these drones were part of a very new partnership.
Soon after, James came to Dahlia with Ursla, and referenced his findings in Tesla's computer. Having heard the evidence, Dahlia was willing to have Ivan called into the room they were meeting in. With cunning words referencing the doctrine of her faith Dahlia confronted Ivan with what he may have done to Tesla. In response Ivan tried to run away, only to be stopped in force by Ursla, and having James call out he was a murderer. Soon most of the commune watched the confrontation, including Raymond and Sebastian. Ivan was soon carried away to be sent elsewhere. James also asked about Winston, and with frustration Dahlia said he was already on his way to Delaera. After being scolded for not coming honestly to the commune, James , Raymond, and Sebastian waited for Delaera to take them and the accused murderer away.
Over the next couple of days, news came in. Wei began to heal the pieces of his hip as the discontents got news from Neutral Party, Incorporated. Their report concluded that the explosion experienced in Fuyao Beimei was due to a bomb being planted by The Fighters of Greed. They also noted some malicious actions by those who ran the nation after the attack toward its own citizens, including the attack on the Elko Commune.
After this, Delaera was happy to offer the discontents permanent positions within the nation as "Outside Contractor Liasons". As Wei healed, the discontents spent the end of the winter settling into their new home. They had their first Chinese New Year without fanfare, their first desert spring, and for some of them their first home where they lived by themselves. As Wei spent a month healing his hip and give Virgin Galactic the secrets of Fuyao's interstellar window production, the others considered what this freedom would bring, if it was freedom at all.
Spring would bring answers...
Report Date
06 Jan 2020
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