Preica Geographic Location in The Continent of Wordal | World Anvil
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"The Preic people have a tumultuous history which started almost 2000 years with the founding of the first city states. These were small cities built along the rocky shores of their land. Chief among these were Pifor the Great, Pereui the Radiant and Sataica the Vigilant. Grand Temples complexes, were built to honour to their multitude gods, on sacred hills, rivers, forests and mountains, while under the earth, in deep caves, strange mystical rituals take part to honour dark cthonic gods. Alas not many know the true nature of these rituals. While they were a warring people, with mostly independent cities, they were bound by a shared religion and culture.   Around 250 Before Parretoa the an Empire was born in the Delasis Delta to the south. Within a century this Empire of Akamta expanded into Preica, sacking many of its cities. The Preic people abandoned their cities fled to the mountains, and those that couldn't or stayed behind were enslaved by their Akamtan overlords. For more than a century the Preic lands were under the rule of Akamta, until the Fall of Parretoa.   In the Eternal Twilight that followed the Fall of Parretoa, the Empire of Akamta quickly crumbled and was reduced to little more than a collection of defenseless kingdoms in the Delta region. The Preic people went back to their old cities and rebuilt them, restoring their lands and prospering.   However, they were fueled by a hatred for the Delasians. They built many ships and sailed down, raiding the Delasis Delta and bringing home gold, food and slaves. The southern cities, especially Pifor the Great, benefitted from selling slaves from Delasis to other Preic cities. This practice continued until the Delasis Delta was unified under Tarnen in the 5th century After Parretoa, and the Preic raiders were no longer able to pick on weak kingdoms.   With the slave trade gone, many of the great cities in the south lost their influence over the others, and the balance of power started to shift. A period of war and civil unrest followed.   Meanwhile, one by one the cities to the north were conquered by the republic of Assaen. These people came from the north and brought with them a foreign culture and religion, inciting slave uprisings and sacking the Preic cities. For a while the Preic city states resisted, but divided and weakened, they eventually fell. Pifor the Great, the last independent of the great Preic cities, was conquered by Assaen in the late 10th century After Parretoa.   These days Preica makes up the southern border of the Republic of Callaern, and serves as a valuable defensive barrier against the Kingdom of Tarnen. Preic cities are given various privileges and rights that recognize their importance."   D. Harewood, Fendalian Cartographer


  • Preica
Alternative Name(s)
Broken Bay
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Included Locations
Owning Organization


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