Season 3, Episode 7: "An Ode to Night" Report Report in The Centurion's Riddle | World Anvil

Season 3, Episode 7: "An Ode to Night" Report

General Summary

With the distress call from Captain Hamat blaring in their minds and Vessu Karimo gasping in their arms, the Dream Team scrambled into action.

Lockette and Chad (using his Mantle to act through Tesin) worked diligently to diagnose the mechanic's condition, keeping him alive long enough for Nib to deploy a portable medical bay. They quickly determined that Vessu would require advanced equipment for any further progress, and thus he was put into an induced coma. During the process, Mist spotted a secret data port behind Vessu's ear, which contained information on his mission, and detailed records of his activities in the name of the Servants of Sakalayo.

Once everyone had calmed down, the crews of the Sun Diver and the Atlas Diver held a brief meeting, before deciding to change course to Kahlannal. Not wanting to abandon Hamat or the citizens of the bubble city, they could only hope to arrive at the Crucible in time -- before General Khaim could overwhelm the defense forces stationed at the Burning Archipelago.

As it was still midday, the group then nestled in for a long ride. Of note, Chad pushed his will into the Infinite Dodecahedron, and saw a vision of past, present, and future. Specifically, he saw Mining Team 1 arrive at Dawnshore, adjacent to warships from the Starfinder Society and the Stewards, who had received Lockette's call for aid. Then, a vision of the Gorgon dropping Mining Team 4 off at Ezorod, and fleeing after a brief confrontation with Ilvarti. Last, an outline of a feline Ysoki bearing Mist's profile, falling down a metal shaft full of roiling flames.

In the evening, the Dreamer sought to share even more, gifting the party with a vision of the Void Coven of Crucible, who seemed to be expecting the Dream Team's arrival (see An Ode to Night). Alas, the group had little time to ponder before Nib violently woke them from their slumber, claiming that Efreeti starships had just entered the range of their sensors.

Lockette felt something stir with in, her Menu Module showing an option for Assimilate, which granted her the ability to devour weakened starships and turn them into Dragonglass. Her systems seemed to be responding to the enemy vessels, which were following the Fire Whale that the party previously took on outside Far Portal Station. It seemed that another ship had damaged the creature's collar, and the whale was now fleeing for its life.

Both ships dove in without hesitation, and quickly showed the difference between a few transport ships and two research vessels with something to prove. Lockette was able to use her new ability to free Mana of her chains, and devour two more starships to boot -- gaining her three pieces of Tier 3 Dragonglass. The final ship called surrender, hoping to apply for prisoner's rights, but was quickly denied after Isra realized she could commune with Mana via tuning frequencies, and learned the atrocities the Efreeti had committed in the last few decades. Pleased with the outcome, Mana swore to meet the group at Crucible in a day or so, eager to kill more of the "pod killers".

After a few more hours in their divers, at last, the Dream Team arrived on the border of Kahlannal. As if on queue, the system nascient to Chad's gaming powers spread to the entire party, claiming that they were about to enter a Raid, and granted them unique powers to use within a 24-hour limit. The event came with three success criteria: defeat Rastelviri at the center of Kahlannal, cause General Khaim to call the retreat from the Burning Archipelago, and claim the Fivefold Cauldron.

The team -- and the secondary team built of the group's recent recruits -- agreed to the raid, and dove into an ongoing battle that still consumed the bubble city. The Sun Diver received landing coordinates from an Anassanoi named Zhyffor, and split from the Atlas Diver to avoid oncoming artillery fire. Once landed, the Dream Team were immediately overwhelmed by a raging elemental, followed by a team of Azer operatives that interrupted their short rest. Fearing the worst, the party nestled in for a siege, only to be saved by the arrival of Zhyffor, who gave them a warm welcome to "the end" of the war...

Rewards Granted

Tarot Deck
  • No changes
  • None

The Centurion's Riddle
Tesin Movahesh
Thunder in the Mist
Lockette Endrinmaster 12 2.0

Report Date
12 Apr 2021
Primary Location


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