Noxolo Redlaw Character in The Black Thorne Continent | World Anvil

Noxolo Redlaw

Noxolo Redlaw

Noxolo is the middle child between five children. The family has laws and rules to be a part of their clan. But she didn't like how far back she was.

So she removed herself from her main clan, with money from a friend, she leased land and used to build herself a workshop and a storage unit. She is registered as a toolmaker. But is not registered with the merchants guild as her goods are rarely if ever sold to anyone outside of Grounds Keepers and is considered to be a center point for most Grounds Keepers across the entirety of The Jongiwe Tree, this despite originally being little more than a hut.

The location grew as it became a top spot for all the Grounds Keepers, even The Cabu kept up their work goods while she helped keep journals for the sisterhood. It is also a recovery point for Grounds Keepers who are hurt or simply relaxing before coming to larger work.


She's a proud worker, enjoying her leisure time between work between Grounds Keepers. But that pride of hers is something that attracts many a Grounds Keeper. She can make many a woman laugh and her enthusiasm makes many a person want to be a part of anything she's doing. Her demeanor can sharpen to make her very commanding and harsh. Getting on her wrong side is laughable hard but once triggered she can be extremely lethal.


She is a master martial artist whose art was once muscle-based but was very slow. She was beatable but strong. It was what gave her position and pride enough to still be considered extremely strong. Then she bumped into Thato at a bar and the pair became fast friends. Thato quickly offered her sisterhood to her almost as soon as meeting her, promising trust right before promising her a future.

She was stunning and amazing in Thato's eyes and before she even knew what was happening she was part of a steadily growing group of friends, she became a Grounds Keeper, the test she'd not even planned on taking was suddenly a part of her. One of the hardest tests in all of Sedibeng, a test which changed constantly, and just like that she'd passed it, she was a Grounds Keeper. Her fate linked as she took part in the games of learning, her leader was engaged in. The first gift she received was not Grounds Keeping but more fighting. She was thrown into dozens upon dozens of fights, in the space of minutes, hours and days. The fighting was endless, coming again and again. She would be tested along with dozens of women. Winning quickly was the goal every single time, spaced, tiny and precision is the mission.

The pose of the enemy, one's own position. One's footwork.
The spacing between opponents, the vibrations a person would feel upon connecting. A shivering of anticipation.
She wasn't even the best fight, which in its own way is a blessing as the challenge has proven never-ending, the strangest parts of the process had to be the diets, but in a way, it was okay, it was strangely good food. Always hitting the right spot. She quickly grew bigger than any of her siblings but knew she'd not get pushed up by her clan. But by then she was pristine.
Perfect, a monster capable of taking on anyone, sizing them up before the fight would even start, all of the fights being wrapped up quickly.


Grounds Keeper

As a Grounds Keepers, she has had no grand ambitions as the position was really something she stumbled into. Her greatest ambition was basic freedom and control. She wanted to rule her roost. With her ability to connect well with each other, she made friends and powerful allies who would help her coast and simply enjoy life while committing to her outside goals.


Her connections with Grounds Keepers was something borne of his own personality, she was a boisterous but kind person but she was given capital to lease out their own land. It was small but was something she could not have been more proud of.
The first business she got was a storage gig where Grounds Keepers would pay to keep things there for work purposes. At first, it was all about keeping tools. It made life easier for those assigned fairly far away from the main points.

Eventually, it became a point of storing major Grounds Keeper equipment and project tools. All the while she was committed to her own work and she was collecting meat to smoke and tend to. She even started creating good enough food that let her sell food for animals. Which was just one of her clan duties which she expanded for Grounds Keepers.

This was expanded further with weapon maintenance and sharpening while coffee boiled. It just grew and grew until the size of the business expanded across multiple floors, exploding in size.

The sisterhood participated in the building of the business, hard wood and steel casing provided a secondary part for their flow of information.


Test Subjects

Thato Ndlovu-Sana had been busy when they were young, moving constantly. But once she came back her experimentations had come full swing including an impregnation ceremony where she fed them a very specific diet for three years. All made to hopefully increase their chances at birthing and before she knew it she was pregnant.
It was a new frontier and she was happy about it. But once her baby was born and a part of the bigger group did she realize how much she loved being a mother.

Putting one's self up for testing was never a difficult thing. But once she had a child to look after, it became extremely difficult. She suddenly became impossible to deal with. It frustrated the life out of Thato, the face of long term experiments and could have broken the entire sisterhood until she had a child of her own and showed her work to be safe enough for the others.



Sometimes there was a concern with left over dead bodies that would be collected over time due to the constant experimentations.
The sisterhood's deeds are not specifically criminal, they are workers, people trying to improve upon what they know and understand about the universe.

But what makes them criminal is that the scientific endeavor is without fear of the law or life. These came from stealing from mortuaries and killing in extremely rare cases and even then it was for specific reasons.

This is particularly difficult for Ufele dead as their skin is highly valuable and their culture promotes the disposal of the dead by burning the bodies to harvest the skin. Which is extremely useless for the sisterhood. The Sisterhood, because of this, will import the dead pickled and brought for experimentation and recording.

It becomes the duties of those sisters who are at the place, Noxolo mainly to turn it into animal meat which is sold back to the general population.

Aligned Organization


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