Loxhurst Settlement in The Arbour Coast | World Anvil


Loxhurst is a bustling city located in the southeastern part of the region, under the rule of Markia. It is situated south of the Sunrise Peaks and to the east of a large river that flows down from the hills. The city has a diverse population consisting mostly of humans, but with a small minority of dwarves and halflings.


The population of Loxhurst is predominantly human, with a mix of ethnicities and cultural backgrounds. The city is a melting pot of sorts, with people from all over the region coming together to trade, live, and work. The majority of the population is made up of Markians, who are the ruling class and hold most of the positions of power in the city. There are also sizable communities of Drayns and Serrans, who work in the city's markets, crafts, and industries. The Drayns are primarily involved in agriculture, animal husbandry, and the production of wool and textiles. They have a reputation for their hardworking nature and their ability to work closely with the land and animals. The Serrans, on the other hand, are known for their skills in metalworking, stonemasonry, and engineering. They are the ones responsible for building many of the city's structures and maintaining its infrastructure.


The city of Loxhurst maintains a strong standing army made up of well-trained soldiers, many of whom have honed their skills in battles fought beyond the city walls. In times of peace, they continue to train and maintain their weapons and armor to ensure they are always ready to defend the city if needed. In addition to the standing army, the city has also invested in a sturdy system of walls and gates that surround the city. These defenses are maintained and repaired regularly by a group of skilled craftsmen and laborers who work tirelessly to keep them in top condition.   The roads leading into and out of the city are also heavily fortified, with guard towers and checkpoints positioned at strategic intervals along the way. These are manned by soldiers who are trained to spot and respond to any potential threats to the city's safety.   The city's leadership recognizes the importance of maintaining these defenses, and so they invest a significant portion of the city's resources into their upkeep. This includes regular inspections of the walls and gates, repairs to any damage that is found, and ongoing training and recruitment of new soldiers to ensure that the city's defenses remain strong and capable.

Industry & Trade

Being a major trading hub, Loxhurst sees a constant flow of imports and exports on a daily basis. The city's most significant exports are textiles, including wool, silk, and linen, as well as finished goods such as weapons, armor, and jewelry. The city also exports timber and grains, which are abundant in the surrounding countryside. The primary imports are spices, rare metals, and luxury goods such as fine wines and exotic fruits.


The city is divided into four primary districts:   
  • The Market District: This is the heart of the city, where most of the trading and commerce takes place. It's a bustling area filled with merchants, shopkeepers, and traders from all over the region.
  • The Residential District: This is where the majority of the city's population lives. It's a mix of small cottages and larger houses, and it's a tight-knit community where everyone knows their neighbors.
  • The Artisan District: This is where the city's craftsmen and artisans ply their trade. It's filled with workshops and studios where skilled workers create everything from fine pottery to intricate tapestries.
  • The Government District: This is where the city's government is located. It includes the city hall, the courthouse, and the offices of the various officials and bureaucrats who keep the city running smoothly.
  The two subdivisions are:  
  • The Noble Quarter: This is where the city's wealthy and powerful citizens live. It's a gated community filled with large mansions and estates, and it's guarded around the clock by well-trained soldiers.
  • The Temple Quarter: This is where the city's religious institutions are located, including a large cathedral dedicated to Unconquered Sol. It's a quiet and peaceful area, with well-manicured gardens and beautiful fountains.
As a trading hub, Loxhurst sees a constant flow of goods coming in and going out of the city. The city's primary exports are raw materials such as stone, timber, and precious metals, while its primary imports are finished goods such as textiles, spices, and luxury items like jewelry and fine art. Given its strategic importance and wealth, Loxhurst has a well-trained and well-equipped army that serves as its primary means of defense. The city's walls and fortifications are also well-maintained, and there are numerous guard towers and gates that control access to the city.

Guilds and Factions

There are two prominent guilds noteworthly in the city that the government supports in turn:  
  • The Brotherhood of Merchants: This guild is made up of wealthy merchants who specialize in trading luxury goods such as silk, spices, and precious stones. They are known for their shrewd business practices and often clash with other guilds over trade routes and market dominance.
  • The Guild of Artisans: This guild is made up of skilled craftsmen and artisans who produce high-quality goods such as pottery, textiles, and metalwork. They take great pride in their work and are fiercely protective of their craft. They often collaborate with the Brotherhood of Merchants to sell their goods to wealthy patrons.
In recent years, a small faction of zealots has begun to gain traction as the demihuman population in the city has begun to increase. Locals would suggest it is a fringe group of the population while some others would claim the government is quietly funding the zealots:  
  • The Sons and Daughters of Sol: This faction is a group of zealots who follow the teachings of the Church of Unconquered Sol. They believe that the sun god is the only true god and that all other gods and religions are false. They often clash with demihumans and local Brathens and other minority groups in the city who still practice their own religions.


According to local history, Loxhurst was founded by a group of wandering hunters who stumbled upon the fertile river valley and decided to settle down. They named the settlement after the many loxes, a type of freshwater fish, that they caught in the nearby river. Over time, Loxhurst grew into a bustling trade hub, attracting merchants and travelers from all over the region. As the city grew, it became known for its thriving marketplaces, skilled craftsmen, and impressive architecture, including a towering castle at the heart of the city.   The symbol of Loxhurst is a golden sun rising over a river, symbolizing the city's location on the eastern banks of the river and its close association with the sun god worshiped by the Markians. The symbol also represents the city's prosperity and growth, with the rising sun symbolizing a new day and a bright future for the people of Loxhurst. The symbol is often displayed on flags, banners, and shields carried by the city's soldiers and merchants, and it is also prominently featured on many of the city's buildings and landmarks.


The architecture of Loxhurst is characterized by its tall stone walls, large stone towers, and Gothic arches. The city is home to several notable buildings and structures, including the imposing Loxhurst Cathedral, which dominates the skyline with its soaring spires and intricate stone carvings. The cathedral is made of grey stone and features tall windows with delicate tracery, intricate stone phoenixes, and detailed sculptures. The other buildings and structures in the city feature similar architectural elements, with many buildings featuring ornate stonework, tall chimneys, and steeply pitched roofs. The city's buildings are often adorned with intricate carvings, sculptures, and friezes, showcasing the skills of the city's craftsmen and artists.   The streets of Loxhurst are narrow and winding, with tall stone buildings rising up on either side. Many of the streets are cobbled, and the city's alleys and backstreets are often dark and shadowy, giving the city a mysterious and brooding atmosphere.   Overall, the architecture of Loxhurst is both grand and imposing, with a strong emphasis on intricate stonework, Gothic arches, and soaring spires. The city's buildings are a testament to the skill of the city's craftsmen and the wealth and power of the city's rulers.
Population Density
Humans - 92%
Dwarves - 4%
Halflings - 4%

10,500 inhabitants
Related Ethnicities
Location under