Kingdom of Markia Settlement in The Arbour Coast | World Anvil

Kingdom of Markia

The Kingdom of Markia is a vast coastal city that has stood the test of time. It is a bustling hub of commerce and trade, surrounded by the rolling hills and rocky cliffs of the ocean. The city is known for its impressive architecture, including towering castles and imposing fortresses, and its well-maintained streets that are lined with shops, taverns, and homes.   At the heart of the city lies the royal palace, a magnificent structure that serves as both the seat of government and the residence of the royal family. From here, the monarch rules over the Kingdom of Markia and its people, dispensing justice and overseeing the administration of the realm with the aim of his council.   The harbor of Markia is one of the largest and most important in the region, and it is home to a thriving fishing industry as well as a thriving merchant fleet. The ships that call the harbor home come from all over the realm, bearing exotic goods and news from far-off lands.   In addition to its thriving commerce, Markia is also renowned for its festivals and celebrations. Throughout the year, the city is filled with music, dancing, and feasting, as the people come together to celebrate the harvest, the arrival of spring, and other important events.   Despite its prosperity and success, Markia is not without its challenges. The merchant fleets are constantly threatened by raiders and pirates, and it must maintain a strong military presence to protect its citizens and its commerce from monsters in the region. Nevertheless, the Kingdom of Markia remains a beacon of hope and a symbol of strength in a turbulent world, and its people are proud of their rich history and their role in shaping the future of the realm.


The human population of Markia is diverse and made up of individuals from various backgrounds and walks of life. However, it is primarily composed of common folk, such as farmers, merchants, and artisans, who make up the majority of the population. There is also a significant number of nobles and aristocrats, who hold positions of power and influence within the kingdom. These individuals are often wealthy landowners and powerful merchants, and they play a crucial role in the governance of Markia.   In addition, Markia is home to a small but significant number of foreign merchants and travelers, who come to the city to trade and do business. These individuals bring with them unique customs and ideas, adding to the cultural diversity of the city.   Overall, the population of Markia is composed of people from a variety of ethnicities and social classes, all of whom work together to maintain the stability and prosperity of the kingdom.


The government of Markia is a monarchy, ruled by a powerful figurehead and his council of advisors. The king is the ultimate authority in the kingdom, responsible for making decisions on matters of state, dispensing justice, and overseeing the administration of the realm. The council of advisors, made up of the most trusted and influential members of the kingdom, assists the king in his duties and provides him with guidance and counsel. This council is responsible for advising the king on matters of trade, diplomacy, and military strategy, and for ensuring the smooth functioning of the government.   The government of Markia is known for its efficiency and effectiveness, due in part to its well-organized and direct bureaucracy. The kingdom is divided into smaller regions, each governed by a lord or lady responsible for maintaining order and enforcing the law within their jurisdiction.   The power and prosperity of Markia is also due to its thriving economy. The city is a hub of trade and commerce, with a well-developed infrastructure and a strong merchant fleet. The kingdom's ports and roads are kept safe and well-maintained, allowing merchants to transport their goods and trade with other kingdoms and regions.   In addition, the military of Markia is renowned for its strength and bravery, and the kingdom is protected by a well-trained and well-equipped army. The army is led by experienced and capable officers, who are tasked with defending the kingdom against raiders, pirates, and other threats.


The Kingdom of Markia is known for its impressive defenses, which have helped to protect the city from invaders and raiders over the centuries. These defenses include: The Walls: The city of Markia is surrounded by high stone walls that protect it from invaders. The walls are reinforced with iron and feature watchtowers and gatehouses at regular intervals, providing a strong barrier against any would-be attackers.  
  • The Harbor Fortresses: Markia's harbor is guarded by two fortresses, one on either side of the bay. These fortresses are armed with catapults and ballistae, and they provide a strong defense against any enemy ships that might attempt to attack the city.
  • The Castles: Markia is dotted with several castles and fortresses that serve as the homes of the city's noble families and as garrisons for its soldiers. These structures are imposing and well-defended, and they provide a formidable obstacle to any invader who might attempt to penetrate the city.
  • The City Watch: The Kingdom of Markia has a well-trained and well-equipped city watch, responsible for maintaining law and order within the city walls. The watch patrols the streets, the harbor, and the walls, ensuring that the citizens of Markia are safe and secure.
  • The Iron Dragoons: The Iron Dragoons are the army of the Kingdom of Markia, and it is comprised of the kingdom's best and bravest soldiers. The Iron Dragoons are trained in both mounted and foot combat, and it is equipped with the latest weapons and armor. The dragoons are always ready to defend the city from invaders, and it is a powerful deterrent against any enemy who might consider attacking the kingdom.
  • Golem Guardians: Amidst the formidable defenses of the Kingdom of Markia, an arcane force adds an additional layer of protection – the Golem Guardians. Crafted by skilled golemcrafter artisans in the heart of the city, these towering constructs stand sentinel alongside the traditional defenses, showcasing the convergence of magical prowess and military strategy.   Positioned strategically along the towering stone walls, the Golem Guardians serve as living bastions, their non-living bodies hewn from the very stone that fortifies the city. Animated by elemental spirits bound through intricate rituals, these golems remain impervious to fatigue and fear, providing an unyielding presence against invaders. Their resilience complements the robustness of the stone walls, and their watchful gaze from atop the ramparts acts as a powerful deterrent.


The kingdom boasts an impressive infrastructure that reflects its wealth, power, and prosperity. The city is adorned with the royal colors of blues, silvers, and blacks, which can be seen on the banners that hang from the ramparts of the castle, on the coats of arms of the noble families (a blue seawolf), and on the livery of the city's soldiers. The streets of Markia are well-maintained and lined with shops and homes, and the city is served by a network of roads that connect it to the surrounding regions. The harbor of Markia is one of the largest and most well-protected in the kingdom, and it is home to a thriving merchant fleet and fishing industry.   The castles and fortresses that dot the landscape are formidable structures, towering over the city and providing protection and security to its citizens. These structures are constructed of stone and reinforced with iron, and they are painted in the royal colors of silver and blue, making them easily recognizable and serving as a symbol of the strength and power of the kingdom.   The royal palace, located at the heart of the city, is a magnificent structure that serves as both the residence of the king and the seat of government. The palace is painted in the royal colors and it is adorned with intricate carvings, stained glass windows, and sweeping arches.   In addition to its impressive infrastructure, Markia is also known for its lush parks and gardens, which are dotted with statues and fountains. The parks are filled with flowers and trees, and they provide a peaceful refuge for the citizens of the city.


The Kingdom of Markia is divided into four distinct districts, each with its own unique character and attractions. These districts are:
  • The Merchant Quarter: This is the commercial heart of the city, where merchants from all over the kingdom come to trade their wares. The district is home to the city's largest market, as well as several inns and taverns that cater to travelers and merchants. A few notable locations in the Merchant Quarter include the Silver Moon Inn, a popular stop for higher class and noble adventurers, and the Adventurer's Bazaar, a bustling market where adventurers can purchase supplies and equipment for their journeys.
  • The Noble Quarter: This is the wealthiest and most prestigious district in the city, home to the grand estates and mansions of Markia's noble families. The district is also home to the city's grand cathedral to Unconquered Sol and several elegant parks and gardens. A few notable locations in the Noble Quarter include the Estate of Lord Faren, a grand mansion with a lush garden, and the Cathedral of the Sacred Heart, a magnificent structure with a beautifully ornate interior.
  • The Military Quarter: This is the district where the soldiers of Markia are based, and it is home to several barracks, armories, and training grounds. The district is also home to the city's grand arena, where soldiers and adventurers can hone their combat skills. A few notable locations in the Military Quarter include the Barracks of the Iron Dragoon, where the kingdom's elite cavalry hone their skills, and the Arena of Valor, where daring gladiators, adventurers, and knights test their mettle in combat.
  • The Working Quarter: This is the district where the common folk of Markia live and work, and it is home to a bustling network of shops, homes, and small businesses. The district is also home to several taverns and inns that cater to travelers and locals alike. A few notable locations in the Working Quarter include the Rusty Anchor Tavern, a popular stop for adventurers seeking work or information, and Drake's Forge, where adventurers can purchase weapons and armor.

Guilds and Factions

  • The Guild of Merchants: This guildhall is the hub of trade in Markia and is located in the heart of the capital city. The building is a large, rectangular structure made of red brick and has a tall tower that overlooks the surrounding area. The guildhall is home to the city's most influential merchants and traders, who use it as a base for conducting business and negotiating deals.
  • The Guild of Artisans: Located on the outskirts of Markia, this guildhall is the center of craftsmanship and artisanal production in the kingdom. The building is a large, open-air structure with a central courtyard where artisans can display their wares and interact with customers. The guildhall is home to a variety of skilled workers, including blacksmiths, weavers, potters, and woodworkers.
  • The Guild of Scholars: This guildhall is the center of learning and intellectual pursuit in Markia. The building is a grand, Gothic-style structure with a soaring central tower that dominates the skyline. The guildhall is home to the kingdom's most prominent scholars, philosophers, and academics, who use it as a center for research, debate, and collaboration. The guildhall also houses a vast library and a collection of rare and valuable manuscripts.
  • The Guild of Adventurers: The Adventurers' Guildhall of Markia is a bustling hub of activity, located in the heart of the city. It serves as a place where adventurers can gather to exchange information, seek out new quests and missions, and even form adventuring parties. The Guildhall is adorned with maps, weapons, and trophies from across the realm, creating a sense of wonder and excitement for all who enter. The guild provides a range of services, including training, equipment rentals, and even healing for injured adventurers. The Adventurers' Guildhall is run by a council of experienced adventurers who have proven themselves in countless quests and battles.


The Kingdom of Markia, renowned for its towering stone walls and formidable defenses, has a rich history entwined with the remnants of an ancient and mysterious civilization. Before the discovery of the submerged catacombs beneath the city, Markia had already begun to rise, its stone walls and structures standing tall above the remnants of the past. The founders of Markia, as they expanded their city, stumbled upon the ruins of a once-thriving civilization beneath the very grounds they sought to cultivate.   These ruins, partially submerged due to natural shifts in the landscape or the result of the ancient civilization's own arcane practices, added an unexpected layer to the city's construction.    As Markia prospered, expeditional teams occasionally ventured into the partially submerged catacombs. The submerged ruins, partially revealed by the city's growth, became sites of both awe and curiosity to treasure hunters and adventurers. Deep dives into the catacombs became explorations not only into Markia's mysterious past but also quests to uncover any residual ancient technologies that might lie dormant in the partially submerged depths.   Skilled divers and archaeologists embarked on these ventures. Rumors abound as to what was found, some speculating among the submerged ruins were arcane devices, crystalline relics, and artifacts of unknown purpose. Scholars and mages of Markia studied their discoveries, attempting to decipher the lost knowledge and incorporate it into the city's existing infrastructure. The uncovered technologies, once understood, found practical applications in enhancing the city's defenses or contributing to the Kingdom of Markia's reputation for innovation.
Coastal City of Markia Base Map Image
Population Density
Humans - 90%
Dwarves - 4%
Halflings - 3%
Elves - 1%
Half-Orcs - 2%

The Azure Wolves, Markia's Army

Founding Date
2307 TA, 12 Skyfire
18,000 inhabitants
Related Ethnicities
Characters in Location