House Amantori Organization in The Al'akyrian Realms | World Anvil

House Amantori (A-mon-tori)


A relatively new house to The River Kingdoms, House Amantori is said to come from the distant Anamatsu Islands. They are an honorbound warrior clan whom was exiled from their home and in exchange for land and a vast swathe of resources from Patriarch Quintex Whiteshore, has pledged allegiance to them. Currently they are growing their power and influence within the land while adapting to the new culture, but some whisper that their foreign tactics and secrets may offer The Eastern Trade Company an edge it needs in the civil war for The Kingdom of Venithyr.

Finding a New Home

Founding Date
A7 1714
Political, Family
Venithyrian / Amantori
Ruling Organization
Family Leader
Government System
Monarchy, Elective
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Mixed economy
Parent Organization


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