House Athraveil Organization in The Al'akyrian Realms | World Anvil

House Athraveil (House Ath-ra-veil)


House Athraveil is a fairly strong house, however, they are still considered by many to be a minor house. They can field a sizable force for battle and control sections of the River Felmourn which makes it difficult for anyone not aligned with their house, or willing to pay their fees, to travel downriver to the trade city of Feirth. That, and their control of an iron mine and a sapphire mine makes them lucrative trade partners. That is, if one can separate their business with the house from the curse that seems to afflict every member of the house. This does, of course, mean that some houses are simply waiting for House Athraveil to fall under so that they can swoop in and take control of both the river section and the mines within.  

The Curse

The Curse of House Athraveil is not very well recorded outside of their house. Though many know that a curse afflicts them, they do not quite know what it is. The House itself has been playing a dangerous game of politics and intrigue for many years trying to cover up the exact nature of their curse by staging events and sometimes even killing members of their own house to cover it up. This is, of course, all clandestine and kept very quiet from the peering eye outside.   The Curse itself significantly limits the lifespan of all members of the House. While they cannot figure out exactly who had inflicted them with this curse, how far back it traces, or even how to remove it, they are certainly trying. With the Curse hanging over their House members will only ever live to see the age of 38 before dying. Of course, members have and some certainly do still try to avoid it, locking themselves into safe rooms or what have you. But always, the Curse finds a way to end their life, be it through heart attack or other bodily shut-downs, or through some assassin that refuses to speak. This of course, means that there is rather rapid turnover within the House for their leadership, but still they make do and have managed to stay afloat for several centuries while dealing with the Curse without any significant detriment to the House, save reputation perhaps.
Political, Family
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Mixed economy
Parent Organization


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