Presello is one of the largest non-capital cities in the Turathi region, and the premier port city of Euremyer. Situated on the Denous Bay near the Sea of Kor, Presello is the sole harbor city in firm control of Euremyer, and as such is a vital territory to the Kingdom, despite its remote position relative the rest of the kingdom.
While the inhabitants of Presello are officially part of Euremyer, the ideals in Presello is often much more cosmopolitan and worldly than the inner kingdom.
The whole of Presellan culture can often be viewed through the public accounts of disputes between Duchess Jenica, her liege lord Lycian Anthis, and their associated noble peers. Despite Lycian’s clear disdain for his vassal’s virtues and politics, he is dependant on her control and influence of the region to prevent isolation from commercial relationships with kingdoms outside of Turath.
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