Syttos is the City of Scholars, capital of the Kingdom of Kallistratos and home to the Aerbor University
City Districts
- Cascades. Wealthy district for noble estates and prominent university personnel.
- Azurewoad Park. Western Park dedicated to old growth forest and Azurewoad Gates.
- Towers. Official civil government, major businesses and local defense. Includes Exarch’s palace.
- Semestral Square. Semestral Library and plazas that serve as the central hub of the city.
- North Cove. Recent expansion and Muscovan minority district, high-end manufacturing.
- The Drag. Low class non-university residence and transient populations.
- North Campus. Oldest campus nearest azurewoadserves as home for oldest colleges.
- South Campus. Newer campus, construction, and new college locals.
- The Boards. Outskirt residences for junior faculty, university students, and support services.
Alternative Name(s)
City of Scholars
Large city
Location under
Owning Organization