Church of Lastai Organization in Tellus | World Anvil

Church of Lastai

Place, then, the beneficiary; Upon a wide table of softest Cotnorian Leather adorned with silken sheets and pillows enough to comfort all, lay back they that will receive the Lady's blessing. With gentle tongue and patient touch, then, bestow upon the beneficiary the Lady's Gift. Ensure that the Rites of Bestowal are performed languidly, at first; let build the music of the Rite slowly. Use later the gusto of the moment, when the Rite's climax is nigh upon the beneficiary, and the Lady's Gift has fully encompassed the Receiver. Thus will the Rite end, in an explosion of Light and Love that only the Lady (may she lay with me) can provide.
  Lastai, the goddess of pleasure and delight; love and passion. Her worshippers are quite popular among young people in college towns, but their carnal rituals make many in the more rural and devoutly rigid regions of the kingdom uncomfortable.


The Madam Mother is the tip of the triangle, and there is a structure of priests and priestesses based upon experience, but overall it is a loosely organized religion held firmly together and, quite frankly, has always, and is still, thriving.


Lastites believe primarily in pleasure, and surround themselves with beautiful things. Silk and bright colors are the norm among the clergy, with the clerics of the order wearing a red silk sash across their torso.

Public Agenda

They are wholly transparent; they want to bring pleasure to the world. Pleasure as a sacred and beautiful gift from their Lady, Lastai.


Their temples and churches are quite nondescript on the outsides by tradition, but the amount of wealth they have been able to accumulate is, to oversimplify a very complex web of land ownership and liquid assets, vast.


They go back 'to the beginning'; to the very beginning of recorded history upon Tellus.

Demography and Population

All ages, ethnicities, races, and body types are openly and lovingly welcomed.



Technological Level

They have invented the folding massage table?


They dedicate their life to the worship of Lastai, goddess of pleasure, passion and delight.

Foreign Relations

They have 'ambassadors' in all five kingdoms, and nondescript hotels and manors as temples in every major city.

Agriculture & Industry

They surreptitiously own a chain of brothels that is one of the most successful business ventures in history.

Trade & Transport

Their missionaries are very friendly, and have license to sell the silks and other comforts the Lastites have created.


They believe a good companion is a good conversationalist, and knowledgeable enough to hold their Receiver's interest.


Temples, manors, patents on many luxury items, art work, a large library and solarium at The Bardic College Campus

Mythology & Lore

The mythology of Lastai, the stories and legends and lore passed down generationally by the Lastites are generally focused around the concepts of Love Overcoming All, and The Little Guy Can Win, Sometimes.

Divine Origins

Her religion and worship goes back to before written history on Tellus.

Cosmological Views

Somewhere, deep in the Lastite literature, the story of Jazerian and Aariman weaving the multiverse out of the spinning webs creation flung from their bodies as they each held the other's tail in their mouths, circling each other in a dance of creation and destruction.

Tenets of Faith

Love thy neighbor, but get consent first!


Do good as ye see fit.


Most adherents travel to a local temple, once a month, to revel in their favorite pleasures.


Becoming a Cleric of Lastai takes years of experience, as first an initiate and then an acolyte, before they would even be considered.

Granted Divine Powers

A preternatural (+2, not to exceed 20) charisma, a pheromone based charm ability, and a weird anti-jealousy aura.

Political Influence & Intrigue

Lastai's initiates make superb spies; pillow talk can be very unguarded.


Rural sects usually worship outdoors, en masse, sometimes in the rain. Worshippers have been known to rush hurriedly to their place of worship during thunderstorms, hoping to receive the Lady's Gift just as a peal of thunder rings out through the air.

Love your neighbor, as you would have your neighbor love unto you.

62000TK - QUITE active

Religious, Holy Order
Alternative Names
"The Pleasure Paradigm"
Leader Title
Head of State
Head of Government
Government System
Power Structure
Dependent territory
Economic System
Gift economy
Pleasure, love and delight.
Major Exports
Major Imports
Legislative Body
The Council of Three is the top governing body.
Judicial Body
Executive Body
The Council of Three
Official State Religion
Permeated Organizations
Official Languages
Neighboring Nations
Notable Members
Related Ethnicities


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