Omar Ironarms Character in Tarien | World Anvil

Omar Ironarms

Water Taxi Operator

How many water taxi's work the short but often rough stretch from Seal Island to Wargun proper in a single masted skiff with no crew? Why even have a sail, most would ask? Omar almost never uses it, instead propelling the boat across the gap - dodging the massive galleons and legions of fishing boats during high traffic periods - pulling furiously at the oars with his massive arms, his red beard flapping in the wind creating as much drag as the sail he always forgets to lower. Really, most sailors and fishermen would tell you, the Khadra hopeless. Its only his fear of the water - sensible for one of his kind but ridiculous for a ferryman - that motivates him to row so quickly, cursing Jendredi the entire way. Why doesn't he simply find another means of employment? Couldn't he swing a hammer in a forge? Or a pick in a mine? Why persist in a profession that terrifies him so? Still, for the right coin he'll ferry anyone across. Few are more reliable and with all of his focus on cursing, its obviously he never remembers who he takes where when Wargun's Watchers swing by later to ask.

His red beard flying in the wind, Omar operates a discrete Water Taxi Service between Seal Island and the Darrin Peninsula in Wargun. The catch - he's deathly afraid of water and spends the entire voyage manning the oars and cursing Jendredi.

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Current Location
Deep Red and a Bit Wild
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Ruddy Brown
4 ft. 6 in.
150 lb.