Elanthai Trading Company Organization in Tarien | World Anvil

Elanthai Trading Company

When Marcel du Vont returned from Nosferian, having captained the last part of Cedric Kandar's historic expedition, few believed in his crazy idea to make the journey into a regular trade route. Kandar's trip had lasted nearly a decade, after all. The cost of such trip, and the risks associated with it, would surely outweigh any potential profits. And while du Vont had the accolades of the emperor, he did not have enough gold to purchase a ship, let alone the half-dozen that he proposed to include in his ocean caravan.  
Fortunately for du Vont, he did possess a natural charm and Yatian way with rhetoric. Within a few short moons he had secured backers to whom he promised shares of the profits. Laden with a range of goods from finely worked Zennonaize saddles, eccentric Nerrid contraptions, and colorful carpets woven from local sheep, the ships set off on what was to be an over 3,000 league journey in the spring of 560 AC. They arrived in Nosferius nearly three moons later, much to the surprise of local who, having first seen a single Human ship sail into their port a short six years earlier were more than leery of seeing a small fleet arrive.
Gold and trade goods, however, have a way of assuaging fears and trading fleet left a few denaries later, its holds filled with Elynthi silks, finely crafted tools and weapons, and exquisitely fragile ceramics. Despite his efforts, du Vont was unable to secure any Blacksteel. Still, the gold he and his shareholders earned from the sale of the Elynthi goods in Yaty made the entire venture a profitable one and they agreed to a second voyage the following year. After a dozen such trips, du Vont retired, selling his shares to a younger merchant.
The company has survived to this days, is shares sold and traded amongst the wealthy of Yaty for various prices, depending upon the projected profitability of upcoming voyages. The route has expanded slightly, with stops now in Gartcha, Mathe and various ports in the young cities of Azermathia. The increased ports have increased the types of cargo traded and with it, the size of the fleet has grown to a dozen ships. Notably, Azermathian spices are quite popular in Merdenkal, along with a few strange flowers that have mysterious properties, rumored to be used in rituals of Nosferian. The company finally received the right to transport Blacksteel, bringing a trickle of daggers and small tools into northwest Tarien.
While the company has lost ships over the years - the journey is still quite perilous and no other merchant has been willing to undertake it - many sailors see it as a right of passage. To travel the Sintarien Sea and see the wonders of the southern coast of Tarien - even if it is not safe to set foot ashore - and to watch the towering peaks on the Arm of the Gods slide by is considered the pinnacle of adventure to many. Ships leave Yaty on the Firstday, Firstden of the Planting Moon each spring, aiming to arrive in Nosferian by then end of the Sun Moon. They stay a scant denary or two before returning home by the end of the Crimson Moon.
Founding Date
560 AC
Corporation, Commerce