Gos Geographic Location in TAHARJIN'S FLAME | World Anvil
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POPULATION: 10K   RELIGION: Ocean Plume Temple   ETHNIC GROUPS: Bōtlûhlī   LANGUAGES SPOKEN: Uchechensabwa - 10K   CURRENCY: Sassam Bihat / Oralt Belgat   KEY SETTLEMENT: Chahano   TOWNS: Muchmaccuc   VILLAGES: Cuyui, Inimichychy, Mahasa, Ipu, Pyayal
  Gos is an unassuming island nation to the north of Sassam, largely overlooked in the great continental affairs of Pendahar. The dominant residents of Gos are the Bōtlûhlī, a tribe whose lineage can be traced back to the vibrant Qildabic culture. They speak Uchechensabwa, a language that carries the lilting cadence of their cultural heritage.   Gos was established during the Reign of the Rainbow Chiefs: UT 1115 - 802, an era when Qildabic society was at the zenith of its influence. Despite its modest resources and size, Gos was strategically situated, serving as a vital waystation in the expansive network of Qildabic trade routes. The island also doubled as a watchpoint against potential invaders from Tyril, further west.   Reflective of their Qildabic ancestry, the Bōtlûhlī adhere to the Ocean Plume Temple religion. They worship with deep reverence, their rituals an homage to their spiritual and cultural roots. Their settlements, particularly Chahano, the largest settlement here, showcase a unique blend of Qildabic architectural styles, informed by the constraints and opportunities of the island's geography. They grow crops like Pakulu and Ese’wa, and their culinary traditions involve various traditional dishes made from these ingredients.   The economy of Gos is modest, and the island has no currency of its own. Instead, they rely on the Bihat currency from Sassam and the Belgat from Oralt. Despite these limitations, the Bōtlûhlī people have proved their resilience and resourcefulness time and time again.   In many ways, the culture of Gos is a snapshot of an ancient time, a living testament to the Rainbow Chiefs' era. Their traditions and way of life echo the ancient society from which they sprang, maintaining a distinct identity amidst the broader narratives of Pendahar. This small island, though often underestimated, is a testament to the endurance and vibrancy of cultural heritage, a beacon of past glory etched in the currents of the present.

Seal of the Isle of Gos


Cover image: Desert and Mountains by mrbill78636


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