Welcome to Starsong in Starsong | World Anvil
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Welcome to Starsong

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The Last Voyage

On the 18th of March 4016, The United Space Confederation launched the last manned vessel into the depths of space. Earth had fallen into disaster and all funds from "unnecessary" causes were being redistributed in attempt to prevent the end of civilization.   However, the USC didn't want to lose their chance to explore the universe forever, so, shortly before their funding was cut, they sent a ship, captained by Charlie Lancaster alongside a volunteer crew, into the depths of space. They hoped with this voyage they could uncover the secrets of the stars once and for all, but to do so, they had to make a sacrifice. The ship and its crew were never coming back to earth.  

Who are The USC?

The United Space Confederation (USC) was formed by representatives from each of Earth's governments as a way to further humankind's exploration of space. The were formed in August 2084 alongside the General Earth Government (GEG) to represent Earth's united goal to find habitable land in space. They sent numerous crewed and un-crewed missions all across the universe but they never had any success. Many called their mission hopeless, and eventually they were disbanded. At the end of March 4016, they were officially disbanded but not after launching one final mission. A mission that they hoped could prove everyone wrong.

Meet the Crew

The Mission

It's like I can hear them singing to me...
The stars you know? Can't you hear them too?
— two scientists from the USC

A signal from the stars

In late 4015, the USC received reports of an unknown signal coming from the stars. Undecipherable, but clear. They hoped that this was the signal they had been waiting for, the proof of intelligent life out there in the universe. The only problem was; nobody believed them. For centuries, signals and sounds had been investigated, money had been lost, and people had died. These investigations never proved anything. They were hopeless. So what made this one so special?

Further Reading...


Author's Notes

I don't know if anyone will scroll down far enough to read this, but if you do, thank you! I'm having so much fun with this new world and incorporating my art style into the articles. I hope you stick around!

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