How To Build A Prologue Tradition / Ritual in Star Wars: Shards | World Anvil

How To Build A Prologue

In the alternate universe of Star Wars: Shards, the story exists only with the collaboration of
  • the Gamemaster and Narrator: C. B. Ash
  • the Player Character adventuring party.
For one side of that combination to work, new adventuring characters must sometimes be created!
But the story starts with these new characters already steering their lives.
No, indeed: the entire story starts already in motion, weaving characters in and out as their paths cross through the weft of the GM's storybuilding. The Player and the GM need to assemble a solid prologue for the character before they can appear: a concept, a visual impression, a fully realized character sheet.
Fortunately, in the West End Games system, new characters can be created easily! Follow these simple steps:

The Concept

Create a concept for a character.
New Character Concept
Physical / Metaphysical Law | Dec 30, 2022

The character concept is the single most important component of character creation! Every other step must answer to this first one.

Adjustment notes from the GM
must be received,
and the concept re-submitted
before continuing to Step Two.


Look through at least one stash full of premade Templates. Does anything turn up as mostly the correct concept?
The tutorial has two example characters under development. Surely one of them will suit Character Creation Easy Mode:
CC from Templates
Physical / Metaphysical Law | May 18, 2023

In WEG, a Template is a more-than-half-finished starting Character Sheet. A Player in a hurry to get playing can do themselves a great kindness by looking over a collection of premade Templates to see if one is nearly right.

while the other will need to try out Character Creation Moderate Mode instead:
CC from Species
Physical / Metaphysical Law | Jan 3, 2023

If premade Templates did not closely fit the concept, it is time to start with Species and allocate some Attribute Dice.



Start by reviewing the species' range of Minimum and Maximum Attributes.
CC Baseline
Physical / Metaphysical Law | Jan 3, 2023

You take your Species minimum, and you subtract it from your Starting Attribute Dice for that species, and then you spend the difference in making your Attributes better than the minimum.



Of all that your character knows, specific abilities were worth some dedicated effort.
Physical / Metaphysical Law | May 18, 2023

All normal Skills start off defaulting at their related Attribute. You have seven dice to split up among the skills your character cared enough to really learn well.



Character matters, not cash.
But having some cash handy can make certain challenges more doable!
The 'Funds' attribute / stat
Generic article | Dec 30, 2022
The Funds attribute starts out at 3d+0 for all characters.
A character who chose minimal dice in the Perception and/or Knowledge Attributes must decrease their Funds attribute. High numbers in Perception, Knowledge, or the Business skill are all ways to increase the starting Funds attribute.
Do factors from the Prologue also affect the Funds? How is this alteration balanced elsewhere on the sheet?

Gadgets and Gizmos Galore

Every career path in Shards needs at least a bit of gear.
Shinies go vwooom vwoom
Physical / Metaphysical Law | Dec 31, 2022

Every character needs a few tools: a datapad, a communicator, maybe a scanner or ranged weapon. Vehicles probably come with debts (whether financial or moral). Armor comes with complications. Droids? Droids come with *opinions*!


Finishing Touches

The character's Profile has many prompts that can be filled from the concept. Does this character have relatives worth mentioning? Did they grow up as strict or loose adherents of a established religion? What ethnicities shaped them?
Ready to Debut
Physical / Metaphysical Law | Dec 31, 2022

Got your hair all in place? Does the CP field say "5" and the FP field say "1"? Have you added your character to the Shards WorldAnvil so the GM can fit you into the right section of BountyPedia?


I cannot emphasize enough that I do not start with a plan or agenda and mechanically manipulate characters and events to carry it out. I set characters in motion, and let them teach me what the book is.
- Lois McMaster Bujold, June 2009

Tutorial Directory



Through this tutorial, two example characters from the Tapani Imperium are under development.

Lady Acantha Vordrii

Lady Acantha is going to be the sort of Starting Character who would fit in a high-concept science fantasy adventure about right versus wrong, good versus bad, delivery of hope with a heaping serving of panache.
A woman with medium brown skin and a snug brown hairdo wears an elegant sleeveless ballgown. She does not look happy to be there.
"Acantha Vordrii, future adventurer" by WookieeGunner

Inyak Ennada

Inyak has made such a hash of his early adulthood that he ran away from home to sign up with a pirate gang -- and not even a starfighter pirate gang, either. He is going to be the sort of Starting Character who fits into a grittier, small-scope adventure series. He will fight evil and right wrongs when he is facing them, but he will keep his eye on his personal "risk versus reward" meter until he undergoes a lot of character growth.
A human man looks off to the viewer's right with an anxious expression on his face. He has tan skin. His brown hair has been brushed straight back in a way that exposes the start of a widow's peak. He wears a long sleeve shirt, slacks, and a vest with s
"Inyak Ennada, future pirate" by WookieeGunner


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Dec 31, 2022 10:53

Very nice, this is a fantastic starting point.

Graylion - Nexus   Roleplaying
not Ruleplaying
not Rollplaying