Rebel Yell: Eleni Benacor Report in Star Wars: Shards | World Anvil

Rebel Yell: Eleni Benacor

written by the player of Eleni Benacor on December 5th and 9th, 2009, and on January 10th of 2010

General Summary

Great. Billy Idol.


Jumbled tensions. Emperor (Galactic) Kane wants to mediate the dispute about Procopia.
Trade summit in La Muir, ship returning.


Vor Abelev. Hellios System.
We are transporting cargo for Vor Abelev to the Hellios system (Barnaba Province) on the way to take Danar to Procopia. Miles Vorkosigan has talked Danar into something. The Mismatch will earn 10k alliance credits for the job.
Yeager is on vacation on the ship. Vanya is hanging out.


Cargo - a pack of Kath hounds (30 dogs) - puppies with horns. And slobbery. One week to transport. easy peasy.


Yeager gets 1% of payment to take care of the less enjoyable parts of transporting the dogs.


Kathhounds are all the rage in Coruscant. They can be litter box trained. Eleni knows about them because some crime lords really like them on Nar Shadda - always on the lookout for captains with experience transporting them. They make great pets or pets and guard dogs. Naturally from Dantooine.


First thing Yeager does in my employ - drugs the puppies. Great. We’re already down 2k for purchasing beds, squeaky toys, medications and food.


“Certain chemical compounds in food will make the Kath hounds drunk and will increase their strength”.


The only thing that puts them to sleep is jump juice - Alcohol that can create harmful side effects in people. Non-alcoholic variety for jedI. Susceptible to dramatic temperature changes - the puppies get colds easily. A home remedy is pepper, but there are oral medications.


It takes a few days to get to Mrlsst. By that time, 2/3 of the puppies are ill. We get them vetted and medicated and soon they are all feeling better.

Danar: I am paying to be here. I don’t have to work

Corellian Hutts are asking for contact information.
Parnell associates with Fortune Hunters, Black Hats, out of system guys, and Black Sun.


Need more info:
Reek transport - 20 head and a bull in a month. Wolf cats - 2 - same time frame. Might be worth doing.


The puppies are delivered. VorAbelev is very excited. 7k alliance credits profit! I am cleaning the cargo hold extremely well. Yeager is helping to pound out the dents.


Vanya is listening to the radio near the landing pad - digusted by smell and animals being on board. Oh well. It won‘t matter soon. A ground car approaches, and a “Lexus type” guy steps out.


Parnell Makola shows up. There’s always trouble when he’s around. He did give me the job with the hounds, though. He’s not all bad. He has info that can be lucrative, so I invited him on board, with a warning about Vanya and Yeager (and Danar) (see quote board). Seems that Mak’s into treasure hunting these days. He found an old journal hinting of cortosis mineral and mandalorian iron.


Legend - A Jedi used to make bracers (to block light sabers) out of these things. The Journal is from an asteroid miner who gambled it away for help with the Hutts.


Ghost story of a phantom convoy - republic - lost 25 years ago. It was carrying a load of minerals, ores and other stuff. Vanished… some sector appearances three times. Mak’s got a “foolproof” way to catch it. He says it will hang around for an hour “Plenty of time to look around.” he says.


Parnell hands me the journal, and also offers security codes that are out of date. The journal holds all kinds of entries. Running from Imperials (not sure if this is galactic or tapani), running from Reavers, good deposit sites.


Danju System has a shadow port for smugglers. Herglic Space. A neglected area.


Shant Dill is the mayor of Danju, and a bacta pirate.
Port Bianco is the capital. The system is near a nebula.


We are going along with Mak’s plan in order to:

  1. save the galaxy
  2. save the convoy
  3. possibly make money


Straw Hat Gang - pirates in silk kimonos and kabuki makeup and… straw hats. There is a Cetagandan from Geidi Prime. SHP like Zorro on things with a light saber. These people are crazy killers.


We got a distress call from a tramp freighter near the nebula- a sleek manta ship had caught it and Nightsisters (Mord sith looking women) were on board torturing the crew for Navigation plot points. One Nightsister was taken out by Yeager and Vanya and Danar and Mak. Two were in the galley, and I distracted them for a bit, then helped take them out. Two freed crewmen got to safety on the Mismatch. In the medical facility, one Nightsister was taken down and sent to an escape pod, where Mak duct taped her to a chair. Mak is going to deal with the other two in the galley as well - and redo the bindings to make them more secure. I’m sure he’ll like that.

Show spoiler
(At some point in this adventure, A Nightsister put the whammy on Eleni and made her think that Yeager and Vanya were training robots, and that she was back at the academy. She managed to disarm Yeager and turn the blaster back on him, break his thumb, and shoot (badly) him before Vanya got to her back and undid the whammy. Naturally, Eleni’s records do not show this as happening, since she doesn’t remember it happening).

So, we’re heading to the bridge.
Danar takes the captain to the medical bay - now a torture chamber with lime green stuff in the bacta tanks that was certainly not bacta.
Yeager puts out the fire in the armory.
Vanya is messing with the computer. There is an R2 unit there with the droid brain removed. Vanya totally wants to kirk the computer. (Or maybe that’s Kick) She used one of Simon’s codes, and there’s a galactic empire cog that comes up. She found a code that worked. The computer started working and she was able to alert sick bay.
The engines still work, can tow, hyper drive is shot, though, no shields or weapons, either. Life support is good, and there are two airlocks. The Nightsisters have one and we have the other. People are in escape pods, duct taped to chairs and whatnot. (Mak’s prisoners. That still makes me laugh).
Vanya’s plan - Yeager goes in, stuns everyone, and sorts it out later.
I found out through scans from the Mismatch that 2 people were at the airlock, one in the middle and one at the cockpit.

Eleni - Did you tell Yeager where everyone was?
Vanya - Oh, hell no. That would be cheating.

When I reached Vanya and Yeager at the enemy ship, Vanya began shooting up a stairwell. A storm trooper fell past her, and I maneuvered him to land on his side rather than on his head. I tried to reason with him, to get him to surrender, but Vanya decided to shoot. Another body plummets to the ground. Mak joined me to clean up the troopers. I was surprised he would take time away from the duct taped women. While he finished up there, I climbed the ladder in time to observe the restraining bolt off of Yeager is part organic (see note).
Vanya and Danar went to find the brig while Iand Yeager went to the engine room.
Me on ½ a stimpack - nerve punch with lots of flipping.
Yeager got ½ also. Together they secured the bridge. - lots of tossing of sleep grenade before this. Yeager, guy (wolfman?) near hyper drive tosses back, I caught, tossed back to wolfman, he missed and it rebounded to land at Yeager’s feet. I didn’t go to sleep, but that stimpack really made me awake. We spotted the last man on scanners. Vanya and Danar are dealing with him. His name is Elber - very submissive - been with Nightsisters for 8 years. Former spice dealer. Wolf dude is probably smuggler as well.
Vanya gave the “broken” men new rules in order to gain some safety for the rest of her friends. Elber’s mistress is starting her own raid/own house. He is a weequay.
Blassprey model of ship - Corellian make. The manufacturers have based it on an animal shape.
Quad Sarkin - guy in charge at the station we are trying to get to take the prisoners and ship to.
15 bulk freighters in the nebula - all dead in space with no electrical systems.
(not) Kitkat told us that the ships were not attacked in the same way. Some were grappled, some had their airlocks blown out, and some were hit with turbo laser fire.
Cross-referenced - airlocks (5) are on list of straw hat hits and pirate lists 3 of those grappled.
3 others grappled - not on list and turbo lasers 4 of those.


Yeager goes for a space walk. [The GM is laughing his ASS off as he rolls for VERY BAD things to happen to Yeager] Ionization energy around plus something else. Nebula is interacting with “something nearby” (KitKat). Something large is coming out of Hyperspace. A bluish glow is making the hull light up. The nebula’s clouds are starting to spark with ionized energy. Gravity well…


An ancient star destroyer appears out of hyperspace 200 yards above the Mismatch. Following that are 2 large assault ships, 4 Republic cruisers and 4 Republic fighters.
Our luck didn’t hold, and the ionized energy knocked out all of the Mismatch’s systems. Vanya, Danar and Yeager think there is nothing alive on any of the ships.
With a little prayer and a lot of luck, we managed to restart the systems and get everything back online.
The star destroyer is named “the Vigilant”.
We land in Hanger 37a.
Small figures appear on the hull of the star destroyer as the Mismatch is tractor beamed into the hangar. Yeager does not remember mouse droids until after the clone wars. Interesting.
Vanya uses her Jedi standing, and is told Commander Cody is not aboard. Many papers need to be authorized and materials need to be found. They’ve been needing a Jedi to do these things for quite some time.
We have Yeager’s code for the PX.
We also acquired dogtags from dead marines. Yeager found a trooper who answered his questions and recognized his insignia. Repelling boarders - not cleaning up very well.
Lots of dead clone troopers and mandalorians in CNC. On bridge, lots of “people” working, yet NO LIFE ON BOARD.


Danar using the food analyzer on the clones:

the troopers aren’t meat

Vanya breaks the news to the clone sergeant. He needs more proof.


Pocket smuggler - Eleni’s communication/text/photosender/thing


Sela Venn - General in charge of “The Vigilant


Music intro -”Enterprising Young Men”


Mak and I watched as a clone went off duty and removed his helmet. It wasn’t a clone at all, but a droid. They are all droids on this ship. Dun dun dunnnnnn.


I sent a pic of the droid clone to the rest of the party. We were on their own because I was humoring him about his desire to find “treasure”. Mak is sent back to the Mismatch and tasked with calculating his share of reward for rescuing the convoy. The CNC droids that think they are clones request that I join them on the bridge, so I head that way.


Sela Venn died of radiation poisoning shortly after the start of the convoy. The clone ARC-droid thing says that he is a traitor, and that they carried something else besides supplies and normal things. Taun We - Kaminoan medic - was sympathetic to the clones’ lives and upbringing. She found information - stole, probably. She wished to reverse the clones’ aging process and heal them quickly in order for them to retire and live normal lives. They carry a unique sample from Kamino and parts of data. Mission - seek out collaborator (mon) and he would find a way to reverse the aging process. A fleet of strange clones attacked - sent from Coruscant, not from Kamino. They attacked using a terrible atomic weapon. Jedi Master Sela Venn contained the radiation to protect the rest of the convoy. It killed her - slowly. A toxin was soon released on every ship anyway, and that slowly killed the clones. Separatist plans were found, and something decided to fit the clones with cybernetics. Because of the Mandoan background, the clones were very clannish, and formed their own clan. They adopted Master Sela Venn’s name for the clan, but the Mandalorians got upset because it was a Jedi name.


Their Route is classified, but they request a Bene Gesserit for counseling. That’s me.


One single ship is seen flying towards the frigate. There is no escort, just a plain Ghtroc freighter and several light interceptors flying around a Hapes Nova Cruiser. All are heading closer. Nova class is silent. Heading towards freighters which hold cryogenically frozen animals and ore. 2 smaller ships that look like manta rays detach. These are Dathomir Witches. The Ghtroc holds Jedi Knight Tarec.
Danar and I board the Mismatch, shoving Mak out of the pilot’s chair. Vanya is in charge of the fleet convoy while Yeager gets in a fighter to help against the Dathomirian witches. We do a little fancy flying, and Danar actually trusts me to get in his head. That means so much.
A clone trooper gave me a box of the ore we had come to find. It was not worth as much, as it had already been made INTO the box, and boasted a bio key pad. It contains something very special, but only a part of it.

Danar Flim-flams Padmé. I watch and learn.

Yeager: That’s a bad place to put a wookiee

Aura Dura - JedI with lime green light saber. Scary woman.
Large man - nerve pinched and knocked out
Sleezy Bothan - made to forget everything
Cat/muskrat person - black furred, tailed, snouted. ZeHethbra girl locked up in a closet in the Ghrtroc. Danar found and rescued her.


Data dishes in the cortosis boxes? Blood sample - last sample of Jango Fett. The other samples are not Jango Fett’s, but other prototypes. Taun We had this all prepared in her search to return the clones’ lives to them. Small box containing cortosis is all that is left. Vanya and the rest of us agreed (even Mak, after some convincing) to let the cyber clones keep their supplies. Getting a geneticist involved. Maybe Reverend Mother can help.


Questions to Ask Reverend Mother:
If a person is mostly machine, is he still human? What if his tissue is cloned?

Report Date
05 Dec 2014
Primary Location


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