
Republic capital ship, Venator-class Star Destroyer

First campaign appearance: Shards of Honor 39.0 "Rebel Yell"

VNY's notes:

Badly damaged but still flying, the Vigilant continued to lead its convoy on a secret loop through nebulae and other unobserved spaces, appearing in the same location only for an hour every three years, more than twenty-five years after Chancellor Palpatine ordered them on this trip. Her crew complement did not register to life scanners, not even Force-based ones, but behaved as if nothing at all spectacularly creepy is going on.
The convoy consisted of two Acclamators, three Republic Cruisers, and five Republic Freighters, all following the Vigilant.
The Tapani Imperium got her fixed up as soon as they could maneuver her into spacedock. Any ship that can tough her way through that kind of strain for that long is as much a hero as anything the Tapani Fleet has ever boasted.
- database entry updated Satunda
23 Telona


Weapons & Armament

  • 8 Heavy Turbolasers
    Fire Arc: 1 battery front/right, 1 battery front/left (partial turrets)
    Crew: 5
    Skill: Capital ship gunnery
    Fire Control: 3D
    Space Range: 3-15/35/75
    Atmosphere Range: 6-30/70/150 km
    Damage: 6D+1
  • 2 Medium Dual Turbolasers
    Fire Arc: 1 front/left, 1 front/right (partial turrets)
    Crew: 3
    Skill: Capital ship gunnery
    Fire Control: 5D
    Space Range: 3-15/35/75
    Atmosphere Range: 6-30/70/150 km
    Damage: 5D
  • 26 Point-Defense Laser Cannons
    Fire Arc: 12 front, 6 left, 6 right, 2 rear
    Crew: 3
    Scale: Starfighter
    Skill: Starship gunnery
    Fire Control: 3D
    Space Range: 1-3/10/20
    Atmosphere Range: 400-1/5/10 km
    Damage: 3D
  • 6 Tractor Beam Projectors
    Fire Arc: 4 front, 1 left, 1 right
    Crew: 3
    Skill: Capital ship gunnery
    Fire Control: 2D
    Space Range: 1-5/15/30
    Atmosphere Range: 2-10/30/60 km
    Damage: 5D
  • 4 Proton Torpedo Tubes (16 torpedoes each)
    Fire Arc: Front
    Crew: 3
    Skill: Capital ship gunnery
    Fire Control: 2D
    Space Range: 2-12/30/60
    Atmosphere Range: 4-24/60/120 km
    Damage: 9D

Armor and defense

  • Hull: 5D+1
  • Shields: 3D+1


  • Passive 40/1D
  • Scan 70/2D
  • Search 150/3D
  • Focus 4/3D+2

Additional & auxiliary systems

  • Nav Computer: Yes
  • Space: 6

Hangars & docked vessels

  • 40 LAAT/I gunships
  • 24 heavy walkers of various makes
  • 192 V-wings
  • 192 Eta-2 Actis interceptors
  • 36 ARC-170
Not available for sale (valued at 59 million credits)
Related Technologies
1,137 meters
| Scale: Capital
Maneuverability: 1D+1
| Atmospheric speed: 975 km / h
Complement / Crew
Crew: 7,400
| gunners: 124
| skeleton: 3,025/+15
Cargo & Passenger Capacity
Passengers: 2,000 (troops)
| Cargo Capacity: 20,000 metric tons plus ships in hangar
| Consumables: 2 years

Thanks to d6 Holocron, who had all the info we could not remember.


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