The Frostbarrow Coast Geographic Location in Spheres of the Gods | World Anvil
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The Frostbarrow Coast


The Frostbarrow Coast is styled after the Canadian Territories. It is a very sparsley populated tundra that reaches dangerously low temperatures in the winter, and warms up to average summer temperatures. The entire region is regularlyblasted with arctic winds, cause the plant life to be primarily short and hardy, and the wildlife here, mostly consists of caribou and deer, polar bears, wolves and seals.


It was settled by successionists, who refused to accept the Saikar rule as they expanded the Kingdom of Bokkara. After gaining control of Bastion, they agreed to an arrangement, allowing these individuals to live freely in the north, in exchange for trade priority, and treaties against violent actions, and agreements of aid. It has since become a haven for non-humans and con-conformists alike. These various settlements practice their own forms of governance, and trade actively to ensure everyone's survival.



Salia's Folly

Originally called the Northvale Keep, Salia's Folly was renamed after her death because of the events surrounding it's construction. When she took the throne, after years of succession wars, she began a very aggressive, and mostly successful, expansion campaign. During the campaign, one of the operations was an attempt to expand Empire colonies into the Frostbarrow. The fort was design to serve as a forward staging area for forays into the tundra. However, supply chain problems, their inexperience and lack of innovation towards operating in hostile cold climates, and the aggressive push back from, diplomatically from the successionists and violently from the giants and other creatures, made the venture too expensive and dangerous to continue. Eventually it was given up, but the fort remained as a watch post and border guard.

Three Forks

The closest thing to a capital city, Three Forks is a three street town inhabited by around 100 people, including the ranchers, tuber farmers, and miners that surround it. The council that runs the town, and is responsible for communicating with the S.A.C on behalf of the people of the Coast operates out of the Hall of Holy Hand.


Named for the people's livelihood there, the people here employ a pursuit predation stategy in hunting herds of caribou, running them into the high cliffs on the river, and either causing them to fall to their death, or finding themselves cornered and easier to kill. This town is home to no more than 50 people, although it is a popular pass through for traders on their way to the Wastes.

Athanac Landing

A small fishing and seal hunting village.

Salvager's Respite

Built by the people who dredge the waste for salvage, it is little more than a work camp, with a salvage supply depot, a series of hostel style living accomodations, and a general store. The people who live here spend most of their days picking through the trash heaps, and this place was constructed as a place to stay away from the harsh conditions of the waste.


Since the great norther campaigns of Vespasian I "The Conqueror" Saikar, the majority of the threatening native inhabitants of the north were pacified or killed, to protect the northern borders of the Empire. This remains the last stronghold of the proud Frost Giants. They no longer have the numbers or motivation to conduct large scale raids, and have managed to strike a tenuous peace with the smaller inhabitants here. Despite that, the smaller inhabitants tend to avoid the path of the temperamental giants at all costs, as they are known to snag wayward travellers for a snack.

Ruins of Golgirath

An ancient ruin from thousands of years ago, the local population advises avoiding it. Multiple groups have tried to explore and uncover what it is, but none have ever returned.


This is a haunted, inhabited by the spirits of beings so ancient they are beyond the memory of even the Royal Guild Historica.


  • The Frostbarrow Coast

    A tundra region on the northern end of the continent, the Frostbarrow Coast is loosely affiliated with the S.A.C, but remains one of the last places on Bastion where people can escape the reach of the Saikar government.

Location under

Cover image: by ipicgr


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