The City with a Million Limbs

We are the unmade
We are the parts discarded
We are the fragments fused
We are the flesh remade
We are vengeance for the Dead Lord our Maker
We are vengeance for the Dead Lord
- Chant of the Chimeras
  The raids from the desert by Soulhusk Chimeras had increased so much, to the point when even the warlords themselves had come knocking at the gates of the Stonesky Drainage asking for shelter. Trade was being disrupted now, and the Merchantry finally asked The Flaming Brand to intervene.   The warlords brought with them rumours that something new was behind the escalating aggression. The Chimera were not known to work together like this, not in these numbers. And they had never before come so close to the Godswollen River.   A full Dek was sent into the deep desert of Adri-Kokufa to investigate. They did not return. Another, and another was sent. All in, at least 40 Bearers of the flame were lost, until one survivor was found, stumbling from the desert. Her body a wreck, she had lost an arm, and most of her body's water, and was only just being kept alive by the Symbiotes in her system.   The tale she told the Illuminators who tended her back to health was only heard in whispers by the other attendants before they were pushed out of the infirmary and the doors locked. But those whispers have spread.   If true, the Lords face a new threat.  
There is living city of terror and wonder that moves in the shadows of the Devilspine mountains. it is made from the bones of our dead, and it crawls upon the sand towards our homes.   The Soulhusk Chimeras are its vanguard, and we are its prey.   The Maker of this city is the Dead Lord Kholkosi, who was murdered by the Flame and drowned beneath the waves. He has returned beyond to seek vengeance upon his murderers and betrayers.   The City with a Million Limbs is coming.
by Midjourney


Thus far, talk of the City with a Million Limbs is being quelled by the Illuminators wherever they go, but the myth persists and fear is growing along the banks of the Godswollen.   The threat of belief in the city and the Dead Lord at its helm is a a real and existential one for the Lords of Fire. Faith, even one born of fear, gives Kholkosi's Godling more power, and diverts the faith from the Lords of Fire themselves. The Illuminators and Merchantry all know The Gleaming City must act and act soon.
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Cover image: by Midjourney


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Aug 3, 2022 21:36

I want a story. Now. Tomorrow is fine either. But I want stories.

You wanna see what we did for the last events? Go, click here: Eddies Major Events
Aug 3, 2022 22:37 by Tim Day

I'm working toward it for sure... I hear ya! Where to start? :-)

Aug 4, 2022 08:11

Wherever you want. ;) Your story. As for me I would start with the scarred Bearer, her "rescue" and her story, putting the article into a story and going forward from there. But that is only me, I'm really looking forward to it :)

You wanna see what we did for the last events? Go, click here: Eddies Major Events
Mar 5, 2023 17:57 by Lilliana Casper

So mysterious! The survivor's tale is simple and chilling. Is there any more to the story?

Lilliana Casper   I don't comment much, but I love reading your articles! Please check out my worlds, Jerde and Tread of Darkness.
Mar 5, 2023 22:39 by Tim Day

Thanks Lilliana - glad you liked it! There's some more written about these events, mist immediately around the Godling, and how it became untethered from its Lord. You could have read about the Chimeras, or God tethering... but maybe just start with the Dead Lord:

Mar 6, 2023 13:34 by Lilliana Casper

Thank you, I will definitely read it!

Lilliana Casper   I don't comment much, but I love reading your articles! Please check out my worlds, Jerde and Tread of Darkness.