Lady Celestina the Lantern of Palbuc
Lady Celestina Palbuc (a.k.a. the Lantern of Palbuc)
Celestina Palbuc was the only daughter of Lord Dyzeck II Palbuc the Unlucky. Her father died when she was so young she could not remember him at all.
Even though she had her mother (and an extended family of Palbucs), she felt like an orphan and felt sympathy for the Lanterns and she was a rebellious sort which made her even closer to the Lanterns. She had zero interest in being a stereotypical Palbuc highborn housewife serving as a Steward or Chancellor and stressed out her nannies and tutors to no end with her obstinance.
When she was sixteen, she entered the ranks of Zarthus' self taught anointed and the Fumayan Lanterns fast tracked making her a priestess. Though Celestina was never a particular powerful theurgist, she was fairly influential in the Latern community.
While Celestina adamantly refused to enter "a proper marriage", she never severed her ties with House Palbuc or visa versa. She generally got along well with her family once they accepted that she was a free spirit.
By Lantern standards at least, Celestina was pro-Monarchist. She was moderately successful in convincing Palbuc lords and other Fumayan lords to help the downtrodden and donate to the arts making Celestina very popular with the common folk.
She continued to serve her family after a fashion acting as go-between for her family and the rest of Fumaya's Nonagon, not just the Lanterns.
She never got married but she had four children with three fathers. One died tragically young, but the others grew up to become Lanterns like their mother. Celestina did not push for any of her children to be recognized as Palbucs or claim any rights as highborn.
Generations later, a fair number of Fumayan Lanterns claim Celestina Palbuc in their lineage of wisdom if not her actual lineage of blood. This is partially why most of Fumaya's Lanterns are less anti-authoritarian than Lanterns elsewhere.
1561 CE
1624 CE
63 years old
Circumstances of Birth
Zarthus' Zodiac Year, Nami's Zodiac Year
Circumstances of Death
fell down the stairs
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations