Crown Days of Fumaya 1838

The Crown Days of Fumaya is a festival King Henryk III Linijka is sponsoring.   Henryk's son and heir, Prince Casmir Linijka was born very close to Hay Day, so Henryk extended the Hay Day festivities for a full week folding traditional Hay Day activities with a celebration of his son's birthday.   King Henryk is frugal and generally dislikes spending money on public extravagances but he is making an exceptions. Given dark political events on the horizon, this is probably the last chance Fumaya has for a relatively light and breezy event. King Henryk also figure if he is going to do one major public extravagance, he might as well do it right.  


  A couple stages are erected in an open area with multiple performances of varied kinds. Various merchant stalls, carnival games, privies, open spaces, and public services are set up around the fields.   A few street performers move about the crowd. Some of them were paid for and invited by the king. Some are freelancers that petitioned the king to let them visit and panhandle for tips.  


  Contests are a big aspect of Hay Day festivities. Normally the prize is a ceremonial bag of hay and bragging rights.   Physical contests   -Axe throwing contest   -Knife throwing contest   -Hammer throwing distance contest   -Rock throwing distance contest   -Wrestling   -Various races with relay items   (Racers shovel dirt from Point A to Point B to fill a box first)   (Racers roll logs)   (Racers sprint with batons)   (Racers carry a gnome first half, then the gnome pulls them on a hand cart the second half)   (Satyr only race)   -Hay harvesting   -Rope climbing   -The kalazotz are going to do some exhibition matches of Aerial Hackey sack   Music contests include   -male singing   -female singing   -male dancing   -female dancing   -group dancing.   -drummers   -strings   -horns   -battle of the bands (easily the most popular)   Craft Competitions   In most cases, competitors made a show piece long before the contest started, though cooking contests occur during the festival.   The art competitions tend to draw a large crowd. A lot of the entry pieces (winners and losers) end up being sold or donated at the end of the festival.   There are also speed relays for sculpting and a few other handicrafts.   The most anticipated craft competition is the illusion competition.  

Festival Food

  The king has provided free food. The free food being fish stew with rye bread to dip in it. It just so happens that a lot of the king's taxes are paid in fish and grain.   For those who don't want fish stew (or don't want to stand in a long line), a wide variety of food vendors sell their own festival food.   Vendor food includes but is not limited to fried fish cooked to order, various pork products (especially sausages), sweet breads, roasted chestnuts, pretzel bread, meat pies, various egg dishes and lots of ale stands.   Most festival goers bring their own bowls, cups, and cutlery but festival goers can buy commerative bowls, cups and cutlery from merchant vendors.  

Souvenirs and Trinkets

  A lot of merchants are plying their wares. As well as commerative Geu-Puppies, wooden knight toys, cloaks, and any number of silly trinkets.   Normal day-to-day goods are traded at the festival too. Some merchants make it a point to travel to festivals like this simply for the deals.   A lot of the craftsmanship shows act as marketing for the people involved trying to sell their services.

Components and tools

King Henryk spends most of his time in Fumaya's capital city of King's Lake, but he has a fairly large rural estate which is usually managed by a bailiff.   The king converted his hayfields (after harvest) into a festival ground. In some cases using simple rope barriers as divider, in other cases using bales of hay.         A few simple stages were erected.


King Henryk is leaning heavily on Fumaya's Nonagon for support building the festival.   All nine of the priesthoods are putting on at least one show or demonstration.   Testers   Ujarek and most of his men are in the Border Baronies, but he doesn't want to spurn the king's invitation to send representatives.   A few of his followers are having a brief public prayer ceremony but a public sparring match, expedition.   Tenders   The Tenders are helping provide Purificationists for sanitization. They are sponsoring a few supervised dances in the evening. Beslyfle is helping judge some cooking contests.   The Tenders are producing a sappy feel good morality play.   The Tenders also have two stands providing free water.   Steward   The Stewards are sponsoring a concert, primarily religious music leaning towards somber.   A more informal event is an Animal theurgist/trainer showing off various animal tricks.   They involved in some of the food contests, but it is a little early for harvesting most things. The Stewards role in this festival is fairly small. The big show is the harvest festival which the Stewards are in charge of.   Rovers   The Rovers are producing a comedy show. One of the more popular shows. There are also secular comedy performances and many of the Rovers moonlight in the secular shows too.   There is a wide variety of roving individual performers at the festival. Many of these individuals have Rover Ties. In fact a lot of the Rovers are moonlighting in other activities they aren't formally involved with.   Children   Few people like the bleak messages of Greymoria morality plays but these plays tend to have the best illusions so they draw large crowds.   The Children are putting on three illusion packed morality plays.   Keepers   The Keepers are somewhat uncharistically putting on a play with musical accompaniment. Some of the new members have some background in this and they are going all out on this.   Lanterns   The Lanterns are sponsoring two plays and a concert, and are sponsoring couple wandering musicians.   They are also supervising/judging many of the Hay Challenges.   Guardians   The Guardians are stretched pretty thin with most of their members deployed south. A few of the more craft focused members are supervising/judging many of the Hay Challenges.   They are doing a fairly simple sparring demonstration for their performance.   Masks   The Masks have a free money changing stall near the entrance where festival goers can convert their money into quarter coins or half coins, so they don't have to chop their money.   Their presentation is a poetry reading, one of the less popular events. Most of the poets and readers are not actually Masks but it just so happens that Danuta, leader of the Fumayan Masks is a poetry fan.   There is an eucemenical healing tent where theurgists provide magical and basic physician consultations, and the Masks make up the dragon's share of the members involved. This is largely because the Guardians and Tenders have already deployed most of their healers and physicians elsewhere.
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Cover image: Royal Seal of Fumaya by Me using Worldspinner's Heraldry creator


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