Half-giants were the offspring of the giants and the humans. They were often known as great Heroes of the myths, but also feared for their unpredictable powers.
It is not known exactly by what means the hybridisation took place, and whether it was by physical or magical means. Giants themselves are believed to not reproduce like mortals, rather their souls have the power to animate unliving matter like the stone. Regardless, the process was certainly horrifying to those humans that were brought to enslavement deep within the giants' tunnel systems, never seeing the light of day again.
Compared to pure giants they were smaller and more slender. Their skin was soft like human skin, while giants were formed of pure inorganic matter. Half-giants were more quick-tempered, than the giants, who were slow to act. They were driven by the human ambition, a burning desire of wealth, power and control over others. While giants had immortal souls capable of leaving their bodies behind and reincarnating, half-giants were mortals like the men.
Half-giants were treated as lesser beings, who were useful but disposable tools. While the giants themselves prefered to hide deep in their fortresses, half-giants functioned as their eyes and arms, reporting to them all the information they had gathered, and carrying out their commands. In practise the half-giants had great power among the giant kingdoms, often being directly in command of human workers and armies. Among the humans
They were usually outcasts of the society, that had to result to proving their usefulness in battle. But when they did, they often became celebrated heroes, and many of the old myths tell about their accomplishments.
When the first humans wandered to the land of the giants, the giants saw how numerous they were, and decided that despite the weakness of the human body, they would make a useful hybrid to strenghten their race. Thus they took the humans not only to their slaves, but soon also reproduced with them to create the first half-giants. It is thought that in the later eras much of the giants had some human blood in them, and perhaps the half-giants were even so numerous, that they had even lost the immortality they used to have.It is not known exactly by what means the hybridisation took place, and whether it was by physical or magical means. Giants themselves are believed to not reproduce like mortals, rather their souls have the power to animate unliving matter like the stone. Regardless, the process was certainly horrifying to those humans that were brought to enslavement deep within the giants' tunnel systems, never seeing the light of day again.
Half-giants were the tallest of men, although not as big as Giants, often reaching the height of one and a half of normal men. They were also great in strenght, able to tear a tree of it's roots, carry a deer like a kitten, or win any man in a wrestle already in their youth. But even full grown they were like children, in that they could not control their strenght. Thus even when striving for good, they often ended up causing destruction. They were also not as intelligent as humans, and thus were easily persuaded by cunning men, that used them for their own purposes.Compared to pure giants they were smaller and more slender. Their skin was soft like human skin, while giants were formed of pure inorganic matter. Half-giants were more quick-tempered, than the giants, who were slow to act. They were driven by the human ambition, a burning desire of wealth, power and control over others. While giants had immortal souls capable of leaving their bodies behind and reincarnating, half-giants were mortals like the men.
Among the giantsHalf-giants were treated as lesser beings, who were useful but disposable tools. While the giants themselves prefered to hide deep in their fortresses, half-giants functioned as their eyes and arms, reporting to them all the information they had gathered, and carrying out their commands. In practise the half-giants had great power among the giant kingdoms, often being directly in command of human workers and armies. Among the humans
They were usually outcasts of the society, that had to result to proving their usefulness in battle. But when they did, they often became celebrated heroes, and many of the old myths tell about their accomplishments.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Related Ethnicities
In the late mythical era, Giant Wars were fought to free the humans of their giant masters. As a consequence the ties between the giants and men were severed, and few more half-giants were created. In the last centuries BFS they went from a common part of the human society, into rare creations whose stories are still sung into myths, like that of Daursan.Slowly the giants too were driven into hiding, and as it is believed, to their eventual extinction. Perhaps breeding with humans had made the giants mortal, and now they were unable to reproduce or sustain their population without them?