Zhe Na's Life Story

This is the story of the legendary hero Zhe Na

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    Birth of Zhe Na
    Life, Birth

    Beset by strange dreams, Zhe Li Jing's wife knew she would soon give birth again. In her dream a wu jen approaches and touches her bosom. Believing this to be an auspicious sign she celebrated, and soon discovered her pregnancy.
    Lady Yin was pregnant for three years and six months. She visited every sage she could to find answers. All assured her that she was to have a lucky birth, blessed by the gods. Eventually, Lady Yin gave birth to a huge flesh egg. Expecting an auspicious, divine birth but seeing what they assumed to be a work of diabolic evil, Zha Jing attack the ball of flesh with his sword. The ball split open, and instead of a baby, a toddler jumped out. The prodigous child could speak and walk as soon as they met him.
    They named him Zhe Na.

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    Zhe Na gains a teacher, and Shen Feng Wa gains a student.
    Life, Education

    Shen Feng Wa begins teaching his other students in the forest near Zhe Na's childhood home. Curious and ambitious, Zhe Na convinces Shen Feng Wa to accept him as a student.

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  • 126 AW

    Zhe Na Honors his Parents
    Life, Death

    Longwang answered prayers for rain and ended a long drought, but was unsatisfied with the offerings from Zhe Na's people. Zhe Na resisted for awhile, but eventually commuted suicide to sacrifice himself to the Dragons, and return his bones to his father.

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    The Dream of a Restless Son
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    Shortly after his death, Zhe Na began appearing dreams to his Mother, Lady Yin.
    In the dream, he begged her for a shrine to be built, so that his soul would have a place to rest, and for more shrines to be built so that even in death he could see the world. These dreams were thought to be linked to his birth, because Lady Yin suggested a wu jen put something in her bosom as she dreamed, telling her to take this child. In both cases, Lady Yin believed she was being communicated with via her dreams.
    This shrine was built in secret, but soon became popular. Zhe Na granted miracles such as healing for sick or crippled children. However, once Zhe Li Jing found out about it, he burned the shrine to the ground, believing Zhe Na has caused enough problems for the family already.

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    Resurrection of the Child: Enmity of Son and Father
    Life, Birth

    The burning of the shrine by his father angered Zhe Na and a strong enmity grew between them. Eventually, Shen Feng Wa resurrected Zhe Na, giving him a new body in the process. He also gifted the boy with the Wheels of Fire and Wind and a Fire Tipped Spear. Son father engaged in many battles after this.

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    Rekindling Vengeance: The Last Dynasty Begins
    Military action

    Zhe Na, sortly after his encounter with Wenshu Guanfa Tianzun, saw another opportunity to strike down his father and end his hatred. Before this battle, Randeng Daoren saw Zhe Li Jing and told him to hide behind him in Intuition Cave or be destroyed by his son.
    When Zhe Na appeared before Randeng, the deity said to him, "Did not this issue get resolved in the Cloud Top cave? It is unwise and immoral to rekindle vengeance.
    This time, Li Jing had a chance.

    Mount Condor
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    The Defeat of Lady Rocky
    Life, Achievement/ Win

    Lady Rocky, a demoness over 10000 years, was challenged by Zhe Na. Shen Feng Wa saves his pupil, summoning 9 dragons to melt her.

    White Bone Cave
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    Zhe Na becomes One with all Karma
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    Zhe Na, realizing a flaw in divinity, plotted to experience all Karma, good and bad. In this way, he died. From this point on, the god of filial piety and children became known as a god of compassion and undeath. His sacrifice would balance the hubris of divinity, and it is said that he would be reborn again to live a normal life after 108,000,000,000 years.

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    Extinguishment of the Stars
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    Foreseeing the destruction of Rolara and unable to stand by while greed and lust for power corrupted those who ruled, a group of brave adventurers gathered the Stars of Power before sealing their light away forever.