Skaihund Species in Rolara | World Anvil


In the hallowed halls of the Everbright Manor, where sacred texts adorned the walls and incense perpetually wafted through the air, lived a Skaihund named Seraph. Ah, Seraph—the canine embodiment of divine grace, or so the Everbrights liked to believe. With fur as white as the purest form of piety and eyes that glowed like twin celestial orbs, Seraph was more than a pet; he was a four-legged sermon, a living testament to the family's devout lifestyle.   Mrs. Everbright, the matriarch, often said, "Seraph is not just a dog; he's a spiritual guide." And indeed, the family followed Seraph's lead as if he were a furry prophet. When he barked at the door, it wasn't just a signal that someone was approaching; it was a divine warning, a celestial alert system that perhaps an unbeliever was near. When he dug holes in the garden, he wasn't merely being mischievous; no, he was searching for buried blessings, or so the family insisted.   Young Timothy Everbright, the most pious of all pre-teens, took his role as Seraph's primary caretaker very seriously. "Seraph teaches me the virtues of loyalty and unconditional love," Timothy would say, conveniently ignoring the fact that Seraph once stole a whole roast chicken from the kitchen counter. But who could blame him? Clearly, the Skaihund was merely performing a miracle of multiplication, turning one chicken into many future blessings—or so the family rationalized.   And so, Seraph floated through the corridors of Everbright Manor, his paws barely touching the ground, as if he were suspended between heaven and earth. He was the family's guardian angel, their fluffy talisman against the uncertainties of life. But pull his tail while he was airborne? Perish the thought. Even the Everbrights, with their penchant for divine interpretations, knew better than to tempt fate in such a blasphemous manner.   In the end, Seraph was not just a pet; he was an institution, a sacred being in a household that revered the mystical as much as the mundane. And as he soared through the air, defying gravity and reason, one couldn't help but wonder: Was Seraph leading the Everbrights closer to enlightenment, or were they all just blissfully floating in a sanctimonious bubble? Either way, life was heavenly with Seraph around.

Basic Information

Biological Traits

Lifespan and Life Expectancy

  Skaihunds are notably long-lived when compared to other canine breeds, boasting an average lifespan of 25 years. This longevity is often attributed to their mystical connection to the Plane of Existence known as Memora, although empirical evidence remains inconclusive. Their life expectancy is generally stable, with few known diseases or conditions that significantly affect their health.  

Physical Dimensions

  While the height and weight of Skaihunds can vary, they generally fall within the medium to large size range for canines. Adult Skaihunds typically stand between 24 to 30 inches at the shoulder and weigh between 50 to 80 pounds. Their build is well-balanced, combining agility and strength, which is particularly beneficial in their roles as guardians and companions.  

Fur and Eyes

  One of the most striking features of Skaihunds is their radiant, pure white fur, which is both dense and soft to the touch. Their eyes are another defining characteristic, glowing Silver and providing them with exceptional night vision.  

Specialized Traits

  Skaihunds trained as temple guardians often display heightened sensory abilities, including an acute sense of smell and hearing. These traits are honed through specialized training rituals, enhancing their natural capabilities. Similarly, those raised by pious families tend to develop a keen sense of empathy, often appearing to understand Human emotions and intentions to a remarkable degree.  

Reproductive Traits

  Skaihunds have a relatively low reproductive rate, with litters usually consisting of 2 to 4 pups. This scarcity contributes to their revered status and also raises ethical considerations regarding their treatment and potential exploitation.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Skaihunds serve multiple roles within Rolara's society, transcending the boundaries of mere companionship. Their most prominent function is as guardians of holy temples, where their keen senses and mystical abilities make them invaluable protectors against both corporeal and ethereal threats. Additionally, pious families often raise Skaihunds as pets, valuing their extraordinary loyalty and the sense of divine connection they bring.   While the primary value of Skaihunds lies in their abilities and companionship, there are also byproducts that have garnered attention. Their fur, a radiant shade of pure white, is sometimes harvested to create garments believed to possess minor protective enchantments. Similarly, their glowing Silver eyes have led to a market for Skaihund eye amulets, thought to offer the wearer insight into the ethereal realms. However, it should be noted that such practices are often frowned upon, given the Skaihunds' revered status.   The unique attributes of Skaihunds have not escaped the notice of less scrupulous individuals. There have been instances of Skaihunds being captured and sold on the black market, primarily for their fur and eyes. Additionally, some arcane practitioners have sought to harness the Skaihunds' connection to Memora for their own magical endeavors, often involving unethical experiments. Such exploitation is generally considered a grave offense, and there are strict laws and cultural taboos against harming or commodifying these mystical canines.

Civilization and Culture

Common Taboos

In Rolara, the act of pulling hard on a flying Skaihund's tail is not merely frowned upon; it is considered a grave taboo that carries severe consequences. This belief is deeply rooted in cultural traditions and folklore, transcending mere superstition to become a universally acknowledged truth.  

Mystical Implications

  The taboo is believed to have mystical origins, possibly linked to the Skaihunds' connection to the Plane of Existence known as Memora. Pulling a flying Skaihund's tail is thought to disrupt the delicate balance of energies that grant these canines their unique abilities, including flight and their ethereal senses.  

Consequences and Curses

  Violating this taboo is said to bring about a curse upon the perpetrator. The nature of the curse can vary but is universally considered to be a form of bad luck, manifesting in various ways such as ill health, financial loss, or even more esoteric forms of misfortune. The curse is not easily lifted and often requires specialized rituals or atonements to mitigate its effects.  

Ethical and Legal Aspects

  Given the severe cultural and mystical implications, there are strict laws against pulling a Skaihund's tail. Offenders are subject to both legal penalties and social ostracization. The act is considered not only an affront to the Skaihund but also to the broader community that holds these creatures in high regard.


The Skaihunds are a breed of canines that have fascinated the denizens of Rolara for countless generations. Their origins are deeply intertwined with the Plane of Existence known as Memora, making them far more than mere domestic animals; they are esteemed as mystical guardians and steadfast companions.   The earliest documented appearances of Skaihunds are traced back to the Epoch of Miracles, a period that preceded the dark ages when the Stars of Power were sealed away and extinguished. It is posited that their emergence was linked to a Celestial event, perhaps a rare alignment of stars or a surge in arcane energies from Memora. While the specifics remain veiled in obscurity, the sudden manifestation of Skaihunds was universally regarded as an omen of great import.   As the Stars of Power were sealed away, plunging Rolara into a dark age, the Skaihunds remained a constant presence. Over the ensuing centuries, they have been closely tied to holy temples and devout families. Their loyalty, extraordinary even by canine standards, has led many to conjecture that their virtues are a direct endowment from Memora. Although this connection is culturally accepted as factual, it has yet to be empirically substantiated.   In recent years, with the re-ignition of the Stars of Power, Skaihunds have come under renewed scrutiny. Both scholars and arcane practitioners are eager to decipher the implications of this resurgence, especially as it pertains to the Skaihunds' already enigmatic origins.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Average Height
24" - 30"
Average Weight
50 - 80 lbs
Geographic Distribution


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