Rhennandial Character in Rolara | World Anvil


It is deep in the verdant glades of Rolara, where the ethereal light of the stars dances through ancient trees, a young Banoranthae wandered, her curiosity as boundless as the woods she called home. Amidst the whispering leaves and the gentle brooks, she sought the secrets of life, her heart brimming with questions that the forest alone could not answer.   It was under the boughs of the Silver Willow, the sacred tree of Rhennandial, that their paths crossed. Rhennandial, radiant in her gentle strength, found Banoranthae lost in thought, her eyes reflecting the deep mysteries of the world.   "Child of the wilds, what seeks thee in the embrace of my grove?" Rhennandial's voice was like a melody, woven from the threads of countless lives she had nurtured.   Banoranthae, unaccustomed to the warmth of another's presence, replied with a voice as clear as the moonlit sky, "Great Rhennandial, I seek understanding. The cycle of life, its beginnings and its nurture, eludes me."   The Goddess of Fertility smiled, her gaze kind and knowing. "Come, walk with me," she beckoned. As they strolled through the grove, Rhennandial spoke of the sacred mysteries of birth and growth, of the joys and sorrows entwined in the fabric of life.   Banoranthae listened, her heart unfolding like a bloom under the sun, absorbing the wisdom that flowed from Rhennandial. The goddess spoke not just of physical birth, but of the birth of ideas, of dreams, and of the Magic that resides in every beginning.   As the stars above whispered their ancient songs, Banoranthae realized that the understanding she sought was not just in the wilds she roamed but in the delicate balance of all life, a balance Rhennandial guarded with grace and love.   Their meeting, brief as it was in the span of the ages, marked a turning point in Banoranthae's journey. From Rhennandial, she learned that the essence of life was not just in its wild, untamed beauty, but in its nurturing, its care, and the endless cycles of renewal.   And as dawn's first light crested the horizon, Banoranthae left the grove with a newfound sense of purpose, her path illuminated by the wisdom of Rhennandial, the gentle guardian of life's sacred dance.

Divine Domains

Rhennandial, a prominent Deity within the Elven Pantheon of Rolara, holds a unique position as the Goddess of Fertility, Childbearing, Childbirth, and Child-Rearing. Distinct from traditional maternal and fertility deities, Rhennandial is revered not as a symbol of motherhood but as a divine midwife and caretaker. Her portfolio encompasses a range of aspects associated with the inception, nurturing, and protection of new life, both divine and mortal.  

Divine Attributes and Responsibilities

  • Fertility and Childbearing: Rhennandial oversees the mystical and physical aspects of conception and fertility. Unlike typical fertility deities, her focus is more on the facilitation of the life-giving process rather than the embodiment of fertility itself.
  • Childbirth: As the Goddess of Childbirth, Rhennandial is believed to preside over the act of birth, offering protection and guidance. She is invoked for safe deliveries and is revered for her role in ensuring the safe passage of newborns into the world.
  • Child-Rearing: Her domain extends beyond birth to the upbringing and nurturing of children. This includes imparting wisdom and skills necessary for child-rearing, making her a patron deity for caregivers, educators, and those who play nurturing roles in society.
  • Midwifery and Caretaking: Unique in her role as a divine midwife and nanny, Rhennandial is a guardian of both the process and the practitioners of midwifery. She is a symbol of the knowledge, skill, and care involved in bringing new life into the world and ensuring its well-being.


Rhennandial's associations with a comforting physical presence, medicinal plants, and a unique childbirth tool offer a rich and multifaceted portrayal of her divine role. Here’s a list of the most important artifacts relating to her worship.  
  1. Pain Relieving Plants and Rhennandial's Mercy

    • Association: Rhennandial is closely associated with medicinal plants, especially those used for pain relief. Among these, "Rhennandial's Mercy" stands out, a potent herb known for its healing properties.
    • Comparative Effectiveness: When prepared correctly, Rhennandial's Mercy is said to have effects comparable to the spell Lesser Restoration. It's used to alleviate pain, cure minor ailments, and promote overall well-being, especially during childbirth.
    • Role in Worship and Practice: The use of this plant in rituals and healing practices not only highlights Rhennandial's role in easing the burdens of childbirth but also her broader association with healing and comfort. Herbalists and healers in Elven society might have specialized knowledge in preparing and using this herb, viewing it as a sacred gift from Rhennandial.
  3. The Rhennendi

    • Association: The Rhennendi is a specialized tool associated with Rhennandial, designed to aid Elf women during childbirth.
    • Functionality: This tool, imbued with both practical and magical properties, is meant to make the childbirth process more comfortable and expedient. Its use reflects Rhennandial's commitment to easing the difficulties associated with childbearing.
    • Cultural and Religious Significance: The Rhennendi is not just a tool but a symbol of Rhennandial's blessings and protection. It's likely revered as a sacred object, passed down through generations or bestowed upon expectant mothers by priests or followers of Rhennandial. Its use during childbirth is a ritual in itself, symbolizing the divine presence and aid in one of life's most significant moments.
  Together, these aspects of Rhennandial – her comforting physicality, her association with healing plants, and the sacred childbirth tool – Weave a tapestry of divine care and nurture. They collectively paint a picture of a Deity deeply involved in the tangible aspects of life and comfort, offering both physical and spiritual support to her followers.

Holy Books & Codes

The Scroll of Fostering is a primary document that many Elf mothers receive before or upon giving birth for the first time, and it is often held until their eldest child becomes a parent. The holy text purports to teach the perfect methods for rearing children, with wisdom for all manner of occasions. It also includes some important tenets, which are often reprinted in pamphlets.  

Everyday Traditions and Sayings

  These Elfin colloquialisms capture the ethos of followers of Rhennandial, but you'll hear most elves use some variation of this.  
  • Wood Elves: "In every leaf, a lesson; in every branch, a tale." Celebrate their deep bond with the forest through storytelling and music.
  • Desert Elves: "The dunes whisper secrets; listen with an open heart." Emphasize adaptability and resilience in the face of harsh environments.
  • Sea Elves: "The ocean's depths hold ancient wisdom." Encourage exploration and understanding of the underwater world.
  • Astral Elves: "Gaze upon the stars to find your path." Highlight their Celestial wisdom and connection to the stars.
  • Deep Elves: "In darkness, we find the light of knowledge." Focus on their pursuit of deep knowledge and understanding of the earth's mysteries.
  • Eladrin and Shadar-Kai: "In the dance of light and shadow, we find balance." Emphasize their role as guardians of ancient secrets and the importance of balance between the Feywild and Shadowfell.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Patron of Fairy Godmothers

  Rhennandial, as the divine patron of fairy godmothers, represents more than mere guardianship. She embodies the virtues of wisdom, foresight, and unconditional care. Her followers, often perceived as the mortal embodiments of fairy godmothers, are not only caretakers but also guides and mentors. They play crucial roles in shaping the future generations, infusing their guidance with Rhennandial's teachings of compassion, protection, and moral fortitude.  

Rituals and Ceremonies

  Worship of Rhennandial is rich with rituals and ceremonies that reflect her diverse portfolio:  
  • Birthing Rites: Special rites are conducted to invoke Rhennandial's protection during childbirth. These often involve chants, the burning of specific incense, and the use of sacred waters blessed in her name.
  • Blessing of the Newborns: Newborns are brought to her temples for blessings, where they are anointed with oils and presented with amulets symbolizing her protection.
  • Child's First Steps Ceremony: A significant ritual marks a child's first steps, celebrating their journey into independence, guided by Rhennandial's light.
  • Festival of Lanterns: An annual festival where lanterns are lit to honor Rhennandial, symbolizing her role as the guiding light for the young and lost. This festival is a time of communal bonding, where stories of Rhennandial's wisdom and tales of fairy godmothers are shared.


  Rhennandial's iconography, distinct from traditional maternal symbols, includes:  
  • The Cradle: Representing the nurturing of new life. In some cultures, miniature cradles are hung over doorways or worn as amulets for protection.
  • The Guiding Lantern: Symbolizes the light of guidance and wisdom in the journey of life. Lanterns are common in her temples and during festivals.
  • Medicinal Herbs: These represent the knowledge and skill in nurturing life and healing. Her temples often have gardens where such herbs are grown and used for healing purposes.
  • The Silver Willow: A tree that in some legends is said to have been created by Rhennandial. Its branches are used in many ceremonies, symbolizing flexibility and resilience in caregiving and life.

Temples and Clergy

  • Temples: Temples dedicated to Rhennandial are often designed with natural elements, featuring gardens, flowing water, and soft, warm lighting. They serve as places of learning, healing, and sanctuary.
  • Clergy: Her clergy, often referred to as 'Guardians of the Cradle' or 'Lantern Bearers,' are not only religious leaders but also skilled midwives, healers, and educators. They are trained in ancient lore, medicinal practices, and the art of spiritual and emotional guidance.
  Through these symbols, rituals, and the structure of her worship, Rhennandial's influence permeates not just religious but also social aspects of life in Rolara. Her followers are seen as beacons of hope, guidance, and protection, reflecting her divine essence in their daily lives and practices.

Tenets of Faith

Scroll of Fostering Tenets

  These tenets come from the Scroll of Fostering, and while important, they often do not rise to the same level of adherence that is required of other holy teachings. These guidelines are great, but the Scrolls contain many wisdoms for raising elfin children.  
  1. Embrace of Nature: Teach the children to live in harmony with nature, respecting the balance of the world.
  2. Cultivation of Wisdom: Encourage the pursuit of knowledge and wisdom, celebrating each Elf's unique connection to the magical energies of Rolara.
  3. Artistic Expression: Foster artistic and musical talents, reflecting the Elves' affinity for beauty and creativity.
  4. Understanding of Ancestry: Instill a deep understanding and appreciation of their rich heritage and fey ancestry.
  5. Resilience and Adaptability: Nurture resilience and adaptability, preparing them for the diverse challenges of life.
  6. Community Engagement: Promote active participation in community life and the importance of communal bonds.
  7. Self-Discovery and Growth: Encourage periods of introspection and self-discovery, especially during adolescence.


The divine portfolio of Rhennandial, Goddess of Fertility, Childbearing, Childbirth, and Child-Rearing, encompasses several significant holidays and rituals in the Elven society of Rolara. These celebrations, deeply ingrained in their culture, reflect the reverence and joy associated with each stage of life, from birth to the commemoration of years lived.  

Birth Celebrations

  • Village Birth Festivities: The birth of an Elf child is a community event celebrated with great joy and enthusiasm. The entire village participates, pausing daily activities to join in the festivities. It is a time of unity, joy, and shared happiness, reflecting the collective spirit and communal bonds of Elven society.
  • Naming Ceremony: This multi-day celebration culminates in the naming of the newborn, an event of great significance. It involves a private naming ritual, where the child receives a secret name known only to the immediate family and the presiding priest, symbolizing a deep bond of trust and affection. The public naming ceremony follows, introducing the child formally to the community.

Birth Anniversaries

  1. Annual Celebrations: Each elf's birthday, known as a Birth Anniversary, is a time of personal celebration, where those who cared for the elf as a child bestow gifts and attention, reminiscent of their nurturing roles. These anniversaries are not just personal affairs but are celebrated by the community, reinforcing the communal ties and the shared joy in each individual’s life journey.
  2. Centennial Celebrations: Certain landmark birthdays, such as centennial anniversaries, are celebrated with extra fervor. These significant milestones often involve larger gatherings, more elaborate gifts, and community-wide feasts, recognizing the individual's journey and contributions to Elven society.

Special Gifts and Blessings

  • Gifts of Significance: Gifts given to elf children, especially during their naming ceremony or at birth, are deeply symbolic and often magical in nature. These gifts can shape the elf’s life path, bestowing unique abilities or qualities, such as the power to communicate with creatures or an innate sense of truth.

Festival of Lanterns

  • Annual Communal Celebration: The Festival of Lanterns, held in Rhennandial’s honor, is an embodiment of her guiding light. During this festival, lanterns are lit to symbolize guidance, wisdom, and protection. It is a time for storytelling, sharing tales of Rhennandial’s wisdom, and recounting the adventures and blessings of Fairy godmothers.
  • Community Bonding: This festival reinforces communal bonds and serves as a reminder of the collective responsibility towards the young and vulnerable. It is a time of reflection, gratitude, and communal support, resonating with Rhennandial’s teachings.
  These celebrations and rituals, under Rhennandial's auspices, are not only religious observances but also integral parts of the social and cultural fabric of Elven society in Rolara. They emphasize the importance of each life stage, from the joyous arrival of a new life to the commemoration of the journey through the years, reflecting the Elves' deep connection with the cycles of life and the divine guidance of Rhennandial.
Divine Classification


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