Session 8 Report in Rodinia | World Anvil

Session 8

General Summary

Kai returned to Khazagrim and picked up some supplies. He was also able to get a potion that the dwarves informed him would magically return Lady Fortuna's wisdom to her young shoulders by the power of Moradin. He returned to the party and distributed the goodies. Fortuna drank the potion and was indeed restored. Now fully rested and recouperated, the party ventured down the chain ladder to the level below.   Here they discovered a huge dark cavern filled with brackish deep water. As they picked their way around a ledge a serpantine form slipped through the water towards them. A head with malevolent eyes broke the surface and an evil black dragon spewed forth a gush of acidic breath! The party scattered and it prepared to attack again. Kai took a desperate leap into the lake, landing atop it's back, pummelling it ineffectually with his fists - the dragon's scales were too tough for even him to penetrate. Nightscale (for that was her name) took the monk in her teeth and all but squeezed the life out of him. She would have killed him but offered his life to his friends in exchange for a ransom of all their coins, that she treasured. They agreed.   They quickly healed up as best they could and continued on around the lake. Soon they came to a ledge that was near the island the dragon was on. They hopped across and endeavoured to find the dragon. It found them. A massive and very close battle ensued in which the heroes just overcame the evil black. They discovered lots of gold and some enchanted weapons, including a sword and shield pair that bore the mark of Dungeddin the Master Smith.   Considering the deep depths of Khundrakhar cleared, our heroes returned to the safe halls of Khazagrim with the news to Dain Balzar and High Priest Jedd. In return they asked that the dwarves stop cutting back the roots of the tree they believed to be the Tree of Life and that Flek be allowed to drink some of it's sap. The dwarves agreed. They also agreed to open up trade discussions with the elves over the sap.   Flek drank some of the sap and instantly his tattoo burst forth with a golden light and stayed golden. From that moment on he was at last a true Sylvarran.   The group took The Map of Titus to the lowest levels of the dwarven complex and there Flek, Kai and Fortuna were able to read more runes on the map. It told of the location to the Key of Seven Stars, which would apparently open the Book of Vitiris. They had no idea what these items were. The map pointed to a location deep in The Barren Scrub, far to the south.   The heroes decided to set out for The Barren Scrub, passing into Eldaran on the way. The first night out of Khazagrim they were sitting around their campsite when the mysterious Myrddin appeared and spoke at some length with them, telling them that the return of The Demon Prince was nigh and urging them to find the Key with all haste. He told them that the Book of Vitiris was what Titus used to banish The Demon Prince the first time nearly 1000 years ago. He said he did not know where the book was.   A few dangerous days' travel later, the group arrived in the relatively safe shelter of Eldaran. They were taken to court and interrogated by the Queen.
Report Date
10 Apr 2024
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