Great Russia Organization in Remnant Neonphage | World Anvil

Great Russia

"In the end, Nothing Ever truly changed. We are still hungry and they are still powerful." - Unknown Russian Liberal


Great Russia is Neo Tsarist Regime, put together from various far right and USSR nationalist Ideas and concepts. It's a Return to form and a empowerment of the Russian Tsar dynasties that have been out of power for a century. These ideas include the idea that Russia is for Russians and that anyone not Russian, doesn't belong in Russia.   However they've stretched this idea to be for all nations. Germany is for Germans, Spain is for the Spanish, Turkiye is for the Turks. It's a hyper religious state for the Orthadox Church and embraces hyper conservative ideas. They believe that in order for the Russian Empire to stand the test of time, all Client states must come to see the Empire as their home.   This is done through the idea of mutual growth and power, a concept that'll be further covered further in the article. Great Russia was a nightmare State I thought about in the past but was actualized in reality. Great Russia is a modern imperialistic Empire with the means to reverse the clock for the entire globe and the greatest threat to all of Humanity, ever.   In Neonphage, they have succeeded in doing just that and now they mean to finish the fight, forever.   Theme:


Great Russia began it's formation with Putin's election in the 2000's. Through out Putin's tenure Russia military reorganized it's self and began a period of soviet romanticism. Russia focused on it's military might rather then the development of it's people, causing an unequal recovery. It wasn't until 2014 when Russia backed the separatists and complied with the Crimean referendum did people release the Russian Federation's Imperial Intentions.   Russia upped it's military output and suspended most expressions of democracy to keep Putin's regime in power during this transition period. In the 2020's during the covid pandemic and political strife, Russia mobilized it's entire military and attacked Ukraine and despite a desperate struggle. The Failure of NATO and the European Union to respond appropriately allowed Russians to take Ukraine.   Emboldened this State began it's formal transition to Great Russia as Putin spent his final years solidifying Russian Control, including inducing regime change in china to a more fascist variant of the KMT. In 2027 Ysillov Romana, soon to be known as a Romanov, was put into power as Russia's supreme leader while Putin steps down over health issues.   Great Russia was announced now controlling most post soviet territories and controlling China, that it was greater then the soviet union. By 2030 Russia became involved in World War 3 backing the Neo Axis and was later devastated by nuclear holocaust. Rather then falling Great Russia created the ideology of Neo Tsardom and Ysillov became known as Ysillov Romanov.   Now existing in a Neo Feudalist State, Great Russia is a supremely powerful Empire with quite a bit of influence in In china and even infecting Russia. It was soviet Nationalism that birthed Great Russia but it is Imperial Ambition that preserves the Empire.  


After the Collapse, the Tsardom reasserted control over Russia, after Ysillov, Rolan Romanov is Great Russia's second Tsar. The government works a Neo Feudalist System, meaning everything is run by a hierarchy of lords ,serving as regional governors. Everyone is subservient to the Tsar. All authority comes from the crown. Neo Tsardom is the government's primary ideology.   A second major influence is the Great Russian Orthodox Church that exists in similar stature to the medieval Vatican. It's leaders are just as important to the Tsar but unlike real monarchy, the Tsar is still the absolute Dictator. Everything exists under him, everything serves the state. None can be outside and none can deify the state.  

The Regional Councils

The management arm of the Neo Feudalist System, these councils work to manage the regions of the Empire and vassal countries to feed the state's needs. No one is elected but appointed by the Tsar's court. All of their authority originates from the Tsar, and resistance is not tolerated. The Tsar can remove anyone from the council any time he wants for any reason.   The councils have vast number of institutions and organizations that regulate, control and grow economic output and markets. The councils are responsible for managing local finances with their own financial institutions and banks.  

The Grand Court

A general collection of Court institutions that serve to enforce and deal out punishments. With the express permission of the Tsar, the Grand Court is the main legal body the Empire, having multiple levels of court to handle the sophisticated legal system of the Empire. Showing that while it's Neo Feudal, they still possess modern concepts of Law and Order.  

The Military Lodge

Packed with High ranking officials, the lodge handles running and maintaining Great Russia's impossibly vast armies. They handle the funding and supply for the military but still must obey the Tsar. The Tsar is a Political and military leader and so if the Tsar orders the lodge to do something, the lodge will do it without question. The lodge is broken up by military divisions and has vast infrastructure and robust intelligence network to use while deciding how to defend the empire from Internal and External threats.  

The Diplomatic Cabal

A body of government's whose concern is keeping the Russian states and vassals as well as their allies happy. The Cabal is robust and possesses many tools and often works with the other bodies of government to do their task. The Cabal is how the Tsar maintains such a vast network of relations and keeps most of the Empire happy. Showing that the Great Russian Government, despite appearances is very sophisticated.  

The Komitet Gosudarstvennoy Bezopasnosti

Better known as the KGB, it is the Soviet carry over of Great Russia and handles all intelligence, subterfuge, 4th generational and Soft power affairs of the Empire. The KGB possesses dozens of branches that handle the various duties of the KGB with their head director being the main representative that the Tsar discusses affairs with.   The KGB's tactics and strategy has changed since the soviet days but they're still extremely effective at destabilization and subversion. Rather then spreading communism the KGB now spreads Fascism in adjacent countries, namely Neo Tsardom within it's territories. The KGB is also charged with managing 'Anti Russian' forces within the empire, their focus usually zeroed in on 'Little Russians' which is people outside of Russia home regions.  

The Committee of Wealth

The Regulatory and management arm of the Empire, the committee is mainly concerned with growing the wealth and power of Great Russia while continuing it's dominance over conquered territories. Since the collapse the Committee has been dedicated to recovery, this having the most fruits in Russian borders. Being responsible for the rise of Russian Mega companies and the reemergence of sophisticated and modern cities in Russia.   Meanwhile other regions of the Empire are far less developed. Still living in frankly near medieval conditions. Another function of the committee is it's own institutions that handle taxation and adjust taxation according to the Empire's needs.  


Neo Tsardom is of course a reinvention of the Russian Tsar's except adjusted to handle the sophisticated politics of the modern Era. In a lot of ways, the Tsar is a fancily named fascist dictator. The Ideology is hyper nationalist which carries over the soviet ideas of collectivism and commitment of one's self to the state and to ideology and brings it into Great Russia.   Death is seen as the greatest service one can do for their country, defining it as doing for the benefit of the Russian state and people. It revives the ideals of Colonialism and Imperialism into the modern era and not for the better, if such a thing were even possible. Rather then denying it's communist roots it embraces it. Celebrating the Soviet Union as a flawed but necessary part of evolution for the Russian State.   Figures like Stalin and Lenin are still seen as heroes and see themselves as the legacy of the Soviet Union. Showing how ill informed of Russian History the neo Tsarists are, but in a way it is true. They continue the soviet's nationalistic ambitions just now in the name of Fascism instead of communism whom which under Stalin. The differences were purely aesthetic.  


  Great Russia has incredibly nativist view of the world, that society, that all of humanity should be divided and confined within their own countries by race and ethnicity. They do not believe in the concept of racial mixing and integration. They also refer to many whites as 'Anglo Saxons' and use a series of out dated and classical terms to refer to countries and race.   Russia believes that all of Russia and little Russia belongs to the Slavs and only to the Slavs. Anyone not Slavic has long been removed from Russia's borders and into their 'rightful place'.  

World Revolution

  Great Russia characterizes it's self as the great hero of the world. Coloring their enemies as Nazi's whom have ransacked the worlds for decades since WW2 and see the rise of Neo America as threat of Neo Nazis once again ruling the world. Russia believes it can motivate a Racial global revolution against the Nazis by using the strategies that the soviet union once did.   To distance themselves, they Label Nazi's as a Far left phenomena and that Neo Tsardom is the Far right answer to Nazis. Great Russians entrust the state with everyone to one day achieve the great Utopia as promised to them. Much like how Russian entrusted the soviet Union with everything to build the Soviet Utopia. In essence the ghosts of the past haunt them once more.  


Much like many fascist regimes in the 2070's, Business and State have melded but unlike many. The Russians have solid control of their companies and suffer nearly no issues. Every factor of life exist under the government and the same is said about Corporatism. Companies exist as engines to fuel the empire it's power to continue it's reign and many companies are perfectly content with this.  


The Russian Federation's military was one of the largest in the world in it's time but Ukraine revealed serious supply and morale issues. The White Army no longer has that problem, having completely modernized and reindustrialized. Great Russia's Military is as sophisticated as it is vast. It has grown in number and can field armies once thought impossible.   In 2053 Russia stole Replicant production technology and has since rapidly escalated the scope of it's armies. They are famed for their powerful guns, titanic size and terrifyingly large strategic capability. Russia can fight any type of war it wants, having truly become a military super power to be reckoned with. That being said it also has 77,865 War head and entire arsenals of M.A.D class weapons as well.   Making it truly a rival of the Neo American forces.  

The Great Russian Ministry of War

The Ministry of war is the Evolved Russian Ministry of Defense, it has been supersized and revolutionized since the Ukrainian Invasion. The Ministry's concern is national security and Russian Dominance abroad. They have modernized all of their equipment including adopting a new Camo flag, EMR-2 which is patterned a bit like US Multi cam but with Russian colors.   Finding that the rounded edges of camouflage worked better then hexagon patterns of old. They have also updated all of their weapon systems and has long either updated or abandoned Soviet Weapon systems. Kalashnikov is just a brand though, the company having long been devastated by the collapse. Conscription has also been eradicated and instead Russia has a volunteer but highly professional army.   Along with indoctrination with National Pride, many soldiers benefit from their membership in the army and usually upgrade their status of their family by gaining ranks and prestige. Only the best of the best get promoted in this military, any insufficiently effective members are executed for treason against the Russian State. Every soldier is doggedly loyal and many would rather die then surrender.  
The Branches
  The Vanguard   The Vanguard includes all forces whom fight land based warfare or guard the nation. This includes the Ground forces, Paratrooper and The Border Guard. This the backbone of the Great Russian Military and are the boots on the ground. Famed for their fanatic zealotry and worship of God and the Tsar. They will die by the millions before any general sounds a retreat order.   The Skyguard   This includes all Air forces and the Russian Space Force. They protect the Sky of the Empire but also fight the motherland's enemies when their nation calls for it. They have zealous reverence for angels and eagles. Often calling themselves the Angels of Death, famed for their agile aircraft and devastating air strikes. Every air craft is not just military hardware but the very tools of god.   Blessed by the church to strike the enemies of god down.   The Navy   Any form of Sea force under Russia, namely the Imperial Navy and the Navy Guard whom protect The Empire's sea borders and fight it's enemies. They're famed for their extremely heavily armed warships with excessive fire power and oversized ships. A Russian Battleship is two times the size of a US Battleship or anyone else's for that matter.   The Navy are as insane as to ram enemy ships as they explode, hoping to take the enemy out in their mass detonation of munitions. They're heavily armored and well defended. There is also an unreasonable number of tonnage in the water at any one time.   Black Ops   Any Russian Special Forces, working in small cells, they are the military arm of the KGB and preform special operations for the Russian Military. Spetnaz is the most famous of them. Religiously fanatic and wholly committed to the Tsar, Special operatives will fulfill any order given to them with no questions asked. They accept they are damned to hell and welcome it, if it is to protect the motherland.   Logistics   Any logistical entity is counted here, they are responsible for supplying the Great Russia in Military and have gotten extremely good at it. Famed for their heavily armed convoys, insanely large Supply sorties and their speed for deploying resources. Logistics will have millions of individuals at any time working to keep the armies fed, supplied and ready for war.   Entire generations will be bred for this cause and will die for it.    


The Budget was very low post collapse but since then has been rising significantly with massive marked increases every 10 years. Great Russia's military budget is greater then Pre War America, capable of fielding large amounts of insanely sophisticated military equipment and vehicles. Able to fund the mass production of warheads and building an army far greater then the Red Army at it's peak.   The White Army has a budget of around 3-4 Trillion USD, of course in their own currency it's different but that's the comparison.  


Despite modernization, Russia has not abandoned it's historic doctrines. Mass Attacks and grand army warfare are still very much a big part of Russian Tactics and strategy. Just now every soldier is worth their buck and the government spares no expenses in making this insanely expensive and dramatic doctrine work in modern warfare.   Russia in war deploys overwhelming force, massive invasions, giant paratrooper deployments and massive carpet bombing campaigns. It is still a fan of it's multi kilometer long artillery batteries and has switched to Nuclear powered vehicles to limit it's fuel consumption. They still develop their vehicles form ass blitzkriegs, their tanks designed to counter American ones.   Russia also still uses it's terror doctrine and doesn't care for any standards and still commits war crimes. Victory by any means necessary it's still it's core guiding principle. Great Russia is perfectly fine with being the bad guys, they'll still crush you in the end.  


The clock has been turned back, Russian Society has devolved back into 1800's imperialism and has fully embraced ultra conservative ideals. Acceptance for any progressive cause has successfully been erased. All of Russian society now exists at the behest of the Orthodox Church and the Tsar. Everything is committed to the cause, a Russian World order.   It is a highly conformist society with a rigid hierarchy of power and very little upwards mobility for it is a feudal system immune to the old vulnerabilities of Feudal states of the past. Everything is strictly controlled and everyone is a happy slave to the Motherland. While Great Russia praises the Soviet Union, the proletariat has never had a weaker grip on the means of Production.   Ultra rich Oligarchs run everything with their giga sized companies. For a Lower class Russian your existence is to serve. If you are a peasant then you're a peasant. if you are a black smith then so it is. You embrace your role and you will do it until your dying days. There are many holidays reversing the state, celebrating "Russia's Return' in 2022 and its's Rise in 2027.   Putin's Birthday is also another national Holiday. Victory day proceed to be a ceremony but it mainly celebrates all service members now and is often excuse for Russia to show off it's gigantic armies to the rest of the world. Every home has a picture of the Tsar and everyone sings the Russian national theme every morning. National Pride is everything as it was everything people had after the collapse.   Slavic Pride is another thing, encouraging other races and ethnicities to have their own pride while also staying within their lane. Russian Mass media is laden with propaganda and every single day you're propagandized on the radio, TV, games if you got any and much more. Russians Value Conformity, Order, Stability and Unity.   They believe that Democracy is dangerous and dangerous to the people's interest, even going so far as to call it Nazism. Indeed it is a culture with totalitarianism hard baked into it. It's also undeniably White Supremist, it is a evil born of a imperfect world. An evil that could of been stopped, if anyone cared to try.  

Progressive Values and LGBT+ Acceptance

  These are seen as 'Anti Russian' values, often cited as Western Propaganda and Nazi tools of social Chaos and Destabilization. People who support these things are called Nazis and often beaten, kidnaped, tortured and killed just for thinking outside the box. Free Expression is seen as a road to social Chaos, instead one must conform to their role, be it a job role or gender role.   Men work, fight and earn money while the women cook and clean. Women who can violate that mold do so in the name of the Nation, not women empowerment. They are allowed to do so if they can prove themselves worthy otherwise it is the house wife life them. Men must be masculine, stoic and strong. They must serve the state but never 'allow' themselves to be gay as it is Nazi or western influences corrupting you.   Instead you must prey to god and under go conversion therapy to clean you of the 'taint' that threatens you. Should a man cry in public or seem to weak, he must be reprimanded for he endangers the Russian Character. In short there is no acceptance to be found here outside of being a laughing stock in a circus or the subject of some brutal experiment.  


As has become blatantly obvious, Great Russia is a Autocratic society. This is because many Russians has been steadily brainwashed by their government to not just accept autocracy like in Neo America but wholly embrace it. You don't have to hide your power in Great Russia, it's a mark of respect. It is might makes right. This is because Great Russia styles it's self as a "Masculine" Nation.   By that they mean, a nation that is stoic, strong and stubborn. In so doing they adopt masculinity's flaws, Over stoicism, over aggression, a deep lust for power and domination. Great Russia justifies it's self on this premise, that Russia is the greatest country on earth thanks to it's strength and power.  


Many people are very collectivist in Great Russia, this is due to the feudal society in which they exist. People see themselves as a single cell in a multi cellar organism that is their communities and their classes rather then as a Moral individual agent. They work these grueling hard jobs not because they have to even though they do. They do it because it is a part of their identity.   To an extent the average Russian Worker can accept great sacrifices in the name of their country. You will find a lot of acceptance here. This is intentional as it makes Rebellion within the Empire far less likely. It also makes businesses far more likely to support the Russian state rather them their own greed. A Russian will happily give their lives and in extreme cases their entire family in the name of Russia.  


This is a Empire brought to the Modern world, the Great Russian Economy is vast as it trades with Pacifica and Imperial China. They also stretch over a vast amount of territories and has access to many, many biomes. Capable of Synthesizing for the rest of their resources. If Russia was a 2020's Nation operating under the European model, Great Russia would be the single richest country in the world.   However it is not as much of the wealth goes into building up Russia and supporting the continually growing military budget. Rather then de-escalating in their spending, Russia grows it with the intention of building such a strong empire that no one could even dare to challenge Russia again, even their close by allies. The totally United front between Government and Business makes for a powerful mix that no one else truly has.   It is also privileged which an over abundance of sea access with all of Europe and parts of the Middle East under their domain giving them a vast wealth of usable land. Though much was damaged in the War and much is being damaged, Russia has vast 'Green lands' which is used for farming and city development. Creating entire eco systems for their own benefit while the rest withers into a wasteland.   Russia also has the most access to a key resource, water and possesses the greatest means for creating new water particles. Meaning that everyone in Asia, Europe and the pacific is dependent on Russia for Water. Russia however is deprived of one central thing, Uranium and other Nuclear components. Russia has just about mined and used every last drop of uranium and nuclear components they can and is dependent off Pacifica for more.   Driving their journey into space as Russia works to develop it's first Space Bourne Warships to invade Mars and colonize the solar system. Even Ukraine and the Chernobyl Plant has dried up of usable materials.  


Great Russia instituted Slavery to meet the demands of World War 3 and has since rapidly expanded the foul Institution. There is a insanely wealthy business surrounding slavery and it's used quite often to fulfill unpleasant or dangerous positions. Work and Death camps 10x the size of Neo American camps work as giga production sites.   They employ foreigners as slaves so as to not cut into the native population of the nation or motivate anti Slavery movements. Great Russian slavers are wealthy and extremely good at their foul craft. Able to sedate and 'tame' people as if they were animals, treating them cruelly and inhumanely very often. Great Russian slavers can do whatever they want however they want to their slaves wherever they want.  

Technology & Science

Great Russian Tech institutions are among the best of the best in the world. Developing futuristic and intuitive inventions that are amazing even by 2070's standards. Russia is the closest in the world to developing a fully functional space fleet with the third Best A.I technologies and swiftly gaining. Russia has developed the best Climate modification technologies with the plan to lushify Mars and various other compatible moons around the big planets.   After learning how to create water from thin air, Russia is now working on Synthetic Nuclear materials created from scratch in attempt to fix Russia's uranium problem. They also have developed the worlds best Solar Panels and even have secret satellites out in space collecting energy for them. They also have very explosive nukes including 20 Tsar Bomba's and countless other smaller nukes.   They also have the most sophisticated biological warfare, famed for their world ending viruses that could destroy humanity as we know it if they ever got loose.  

Institute of Russian Greatness

  The main Scientific Institute of Great Russia, they are the collectivization of multiple different organizations from the Federation into one. Given a large portion of Funding, the Institute rebegan a series of Soviet Projects with modern takes as well as their own. Every member is bred and groomed for their role and share die hard dedication to their role.   They make technology not to make money, but to service their nation. As is to be expected, a highly nationalist and racist shadow hangs over the institution. Holding inhuman human experiments and nightmare experiments only thought of in fiction or creepy pasta. To the Institute there is no greater service then to die in the name of Science and the nation.   They are also somewhat held back by the over powering Orthodox Church, which limits certain types of research such as the Stem cell project.  

Racial Science

  American Race science has found it's way into Great Russian Society. This dangerous pseudo-science uses Science-like explanations to justify the lot of other nations and racism. They also use it to instill a sense of Slavic pride into Slav by using pseudo science to appear as though Slav are just inherently better then everyone else. That Slavs are the master race.   In addition to that it also argues that the lighter one's skin is, the more 'intelligent' they are inclined to be, where as Darker skinned individuals are more 'Barbaric' and 'Savage' they tend to be. Listening to a 2070's Racial Eugenists is like listening to a 1800's one. A total reversal of the modern understanding of race. Eugenics plays a huge role in Russians.   Each generation is bred and raised differently depending on their designated path in life. Soldiers are bred to be hardy and fit where as farmers are bred to try extend the amount of time they work. Of course it is all bullshit and it doesn't work, but the placebo of eugenics is enough to continue motivating the practices.  

Mental Health

  Russia has reverted course entirely, religion has motivated the consensus to conclude that behavior from mental health is a symptom of a disease and that people whom are acting out are exhibiting behavior alien to themselves. Psychologist now being referred to as Alienists once again, Russia keeps it's mentally ill away from the wider population in Giga sized asylums where insane inhuman tests are conducted.   The stereotype of Evil Soviet Asylums has now become reality. The Institute uses these places, sometimes entrapping sane individuals to run a series of tests for the government. Allowing the government to learn more about humans and how to better manipulate them and how people react to certain events and stimuli.   Another display of religious influence is the obvious pseudo science of Baptizing and Exorcisms solving mental problems but mental health institutions obey anyway because it is not wise to cross the Great Russian Orthodox Church.  


After decades of unrestricted population growth and the inclusion of Replicants, Russia has quadrupled in magnitude and population density. The Racist beliefs in the Russian State also makes the concepts of Minorities few and far between. For instance in all of the nations, only their original Race or ethnicity is allowed inside. They also refer to races with outdated and suspicious sounding terms in their census which has all but been normalized in the Empire.   This will only include people who live in Russia it's self and not the entire empire and be using the terms Great Russia uses.   95% - Slavic   3% - Anglo Saxon (White, Does not include Greeks, Italians the Spanish or Irish people)   1% - Saracen (Muslims, Arabs, Anyone middle Eastern)   1% - N*g*o (Anyone with Black Skin)   Russia has long moved out various minorities and is in the process of removing the very few who remain, believing that Russia is for the Slavs and believes the same for any 'Little Russian' state they own. Of course this way of thinking is inconsistent even with the racist Neo Americans or Neo Colonialist Imperial Chinese. It's a way of approaching Demographics from a very dated and in correct perspective.   People who are 'Out of their native land' are often enslaved or face harsh repercussions. Everyone must stay divided for the sake of humanity, even if it makes no sense at all. There is also a major problem with the Great Russian consensus as it only includes people not enslaved so Russia may not be as Slavic as it says. Employing a massive slave population for it's economy.   There could be millions possibly even hundreds of millions of undocumented Slaves being worked in brutal conditions throughout Russia. This is not see n as shameful however, it is seen as ensuring Slavic Dominance.

"One Nation, One God, One Vision"

Founding Date
2027 CE
Geopolitical, Empire
Alternative Names
Russia |The Empire Reborn | The Tsardom of Russia | The Bear
Predecessor Organization
Leader Title
Government System
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Palace economy
The Ruble
Major Exports
Other Nuclear Elements
WMD Production
Russian War Good
Oil & Gas
Major Imports
Industrial Goods
Gold and Diamonds
Asian Food Stuffs
Chinese War Goods
Official State Religion
Official Languages
Controlled Territories


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