Voyage to the Isle of Dread in Reluria | World Anvil
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Voyage to the Isle of Dread

During the Age of Chaos a group of heroes undertook an impossible voyage to the long feared accursed island whose location was lost to the mists of time. Against the odds, the party of heroes obtained a map, gathered a crew, battled against many enemies and obstacles and finally discovered the island, and its most holy treasure, the actual axe of Red Talon.   The heroes of this voyage were the following: Lightening Before Thunder (aka Light, aka Red Talon) a Sakasta cleric of Ashtyr. Duncan Everett, a human fighter and former soldier on the front against The Brass Horde. Xanorin Lysander Thurgostadt, a half elf wizard who obtained the spell book Graven Ashe that once belonged to the ancient wizard Xelios. Sena an elven druid from a mysterious tribe of elves dedicated to finding and destroying Chaos Elves. Aiano Ashmore an elven bard with a love of money and his paramour Enna.   The party's achievements were many and contributed to their status as legendary heroes. The mysterious island of Taneroa was discovered, the fabled axe of Red Talon achieved by a faithful cleric, and the infamous being of Chaos known as Kopru was defeated. Along the way the secrets of the ancient wizard Xelios were uncovered. A Chaos Elf named Tornala was brought back into power. Duncan faced and destroyed his nemesis: the great Minotaur Tarsus. The Elemental Masters discovered and their secret relationship to the The Four Aspects of Chaos revealed. Yeno was freed from her prison within the crystals on Taneroa. The Dread (an aspect of Chaos) and her prophet Rilo (Sena's brother) were defeated. Finally The Veil was destroyed with the demise of Kopru allowing for easy sailing back to Taneroa from the north.   Along the way they joined forces with some interesting folk. Alonso, an old human expert in Taneroa lore, and disgraced Guild Member. Fid the dashing sakasta adventurer (and formerly pig). Gulja (aka Mad Mappy) a dwarven inventor and map maker. Lyn, a human gladiator from the Brass Horde who became disillusioned with her role. The Larvae, a mysterious being that was acting as Lyn's mentor. Nov, an Anubine villager anointed by Kopru, but witnessed his true nature. Four Riddles, a mysterious sakasta wanderer who took an interest in the party (and may be Emid in disguise).   Most important was the crew of the The Galloping Domino the vessel that took the party from the mighty capital city of Mystemere in Reluria, down through The Guild Islands and the Iri Islands across The Veil, past the Colossa Archipelago and to Taneroa itself.   The party befriended many members of the crew. Gabrielle the first mate took a real shine to Duncan, and the two "bonded" very closely. Sena and Duncan took young Tomas under their wing after the lad got into some trouble aboard the vessel. Xanorin made Peye his apprentice, teaching her spells and working with her natural arcane abilities. Light started her own cult, I mean group of followers, with Cicero the halfling being one of the most devoted. Energetic and jolly Dil became everyone's friend (but really liked Light a whole bunch). Ham and Sena bonded after the druid saved the sailor's life in Seahome. Everyone tolerated captain Laldu's nearly endless thirst. Buva started out as a suspicious member of the crew, but turned into a vital companion when dealing with the Horde. Gev's easygoing nature made him an easy friend to chat with and enjoy his frequent fishing expeditions. Finally, pessamistic Rashid realized that he wasn't cursed at all and cracked a smile by the end of the voyage.   The party's many adventures on the mainland of Reluria, the islands of the Sea of Dread and on the accursed island of Taneroa itself are too many to document here (we'll leave that to Aiano to compose songs and stories). It is safe to say that the Age of Chaos looked grim for the world at the start of the campaign. But by the end, they had brought a glimmer of hope, not just to the people of the Isle of Dread, but to a world that was just about to be plunged into a war between the forces of Chaos.

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