Mages of Cintras Organization in Rassoran | World Anvil
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Mages of Cintras

Faction Description   The Mages of Cintras is a group of mages (wizards) that have given themselves the task of using their great power to steer the world on the right path. To do this, the mages have placed themselves in kingdoms as advisors to rulers, in hopes of not only keeping track of political events, but also to influence politics and policies of the worlds nations.   Important NPC’s   The Arch Mages of Cintras, who rarely leave the Ormur- Citadel of Cintras    Ambassadors Edawish-  A human mage serving as an advisor for king Thornton in Arnet. He dresses in ornate flowing clothing in court, but more often dresses in simple clothes when not in official duties. He is a young mage, new to the position and inexperienced, rather unsure of himself. He also is very interested in local culture, and has an interest in learning about these simply yet happy people. Very genuine in his words and actions, which he admits is why he has been sent out here, as he is not well versed in political saviness required for the more important kingdoms, but here his honestly earns him respect.    Ambassador Everly- a humane woman mage, she is elegantly beautiful, perfect golden hair dressed in flowing white robes with gold trim, snow white skin and a small smile. She is tactful and very careful with her words, a subtle influencer and practiced politician. Despite her controlled outward appearance, she is a vicious and dangerous woman. Ambassador to Gladrian.   Ambassador Ephes- A human man with thin red hair and grey eyes. He wears flowing and expensive robes with ornate designs. Ephes dislikes everyone except other humans. Ambassador to Ormur.   Faction belief/dogma   With great power comes terrible responsibility, and only we of great learning and intellect can be entrusted to bare that responsibility.   Knowledge is power, therefore whoever controls the knowledge controls the power.   The Mages have patron gods (Solinari, Gilean, and Lunitari), but most mages are not overly religious or hold closely to the teaching of the gods, simply admitting to their power and hoping to gain their favor.   Faction strength and influence   The mages relatively small in number, but still considered to be extremely powerful. They are highly respected by leaders for their magical abilities, and leaders will almost always at least listen to what they have to say.   They do have a small force of Cintras Guards, eldritch Knights with limited magical abilities that serve and an honor guard for traveling mages, ambassadors and mage hunters.    The mages also send out ambassadors to other nations to serve as advisors and influence local policies to suite their own needs. These ambassadors are highly respected, powerful, and dangerous enemies.   Other Notes   Apprentices are chosen from the populaces that the Mages have influence over, choosing children that have an apparent gift for magic. These children are then taken to the citadel for training. Those who fall short of expectation are dismissed from Cintras, often returning to their nation and becoming battle mages (who are easily dismissed by the Cintras Masters).   Those who prove worthiness are allowed to attend a ceremony where they have their magical potential unlocked. It is an incredibly painful process, which takes as much as it gives from the individual (most become sterile, can become irrational or paranoid, and so on). But when it is finished, the individual is remade into their own "perfect" selves, increasing in beauty and their bodies are more attuned to the magic of the world, allowing for the casting of far more powerful spells.
Guild, Mages
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Ormur and the Mages of Cintras find themselves to be natural allies. Their beliefs line up almost perfectly, as do their views of the world. The Citadel of Cintras is also located close to their capital city, and mages often come to the Ormur Institute seeking knowledge or learning, and so the proximity helps establish and maintain their relationship. As a result, the Ormur government closely follows the advice and will of the mages, and the mages in turn are more willing to fight and intervene when Ormur is threatened.


Gladria and the Mages of Cintras have a mutual respect for the others abilities, but immensely dislike each other. Gladria hosts a mage ambassador and listens to their council, but does not hang on every word and often disregard their advice. They also are wary of the mages subtle manipulations, and dislike the amount of sway and influence they hold in Ormur and elsewhere.  The mages dislike the contempt the Gladrians seem to hold for them, and how often they disregard their council in favor of that of their own thick headed generals and penny pinching coin counters.


Neither side have had much interaction with the other, but what has happened has not exactly been positive. The mages sent an ambassador to Rasengard, but they were rejected and sent back. There have been several attempts since to learn more about them, all of which have been rejected.  The dragonborn mistrust the mage intentions, and do not wish to have them meddling in their own affairs. The Mages believe that the dargonborn may be the next big threat to the continent and are desperate to learn more, especially about their supposed magic users and the potency of dragonborn blood. However they also wish to not create an enemy where is not yet one, and so move cautiously against them.

No Diplomatic relations

Madgar believes the mages of Cintras to be too nosy and clever for their own good. They have entertained a few diplomatic delegations, but found the mages prideful, arrogant and self important. Further more they were very dismissive of the Madgarian culture, beliefs, and shawmen magics, instead insisting that Madgar should instead convert to their way of thinking. Obviously, this did not go well, and there is a distinct distaste for mages and the southern lifestyle in Madgarian culture today.

Aggressive Rivals

The Talons do not trust the mages. They tend to be selfish and self serving, pretending at neutrality while always manipulating behind the scenes to get what they want. The "say what you mean" Talons despise the double speak and twisted words of mages. The mages of Cintras see the Talons as a dangerous renegade faction of dangerous brutes who have neither respected nor heeded the words of the mages. At best they are an order of warriors from a more savage time that no longer have a place in the world.


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