Tlatl Settlement in pèryl | World Anvil
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Tlatl (tɬɑtɬ*)

The de facto capital city of the Tzolgarin Kingdom of Ys is Tlatl. Located in the westernmost satrap in Ys which shares the name Tlatl. The regional designation predates the use of the name for its city by centuries. As smaller settlements were conglomerated into an increasingly larger city, the unified communities became known as the citizenry of the city of Tlatl.   Although, the ruling dynasts of Ys, the Tzolgarins, "May They Live Eterne," reside centrally in the de jure capital, Cheotlin, but the actual governance of Ys is largely administered through the governing councilors in Tlatl. The Tzolgarins are renowned for univolved governance.


The majority of the population of Tlatl are Yssian humans (of all major and minor subethnic communities). Ethnic Daoshi are common, as are foreign scholars form the north—Qh'énns, Hœmmé, Ptarshakkian—and scatterings of other human ethnicities. Gnomes from Rheddait are not unknown. There are also Svor. Members of numerous naga tribes from throughout the continent are also present.   The draw for most foreigners in Tlatl—beyond those passing through en route to/from Dhaoshee, usually via the Gatlay seaport to the north—is the Grand Tzutlycan Library of Tlatl the largest and most prominent place of learning and scholarship in the known world.   Tlatl is the most populous city in the southern half of Gruthe. Its populace constantly rises and falls according to the arrival of foreign scholars and travelers to the magical and religious academies of Dhaoshee. During high season when Mbaran tradeships are most common, Tlatl could have a population of 209,000. In the wet season, when there is less travel, it reverts to its average of 168,000.


Essentially, Tlatl has three governing bodies: 1. the Tzutlycannites, 2. the Satrap of Tlatl; and 3. the Yssian Senate.

1. Most prominently, and most uniformly respected, are the Tzutlycannite Librarians who administer the highland regions of the city and its Grand Library. They are sought for legal disputes, administration, census-taking, arbitration, and recording and upkeep of the law. They are considered neutral in terms of their allegiance to noble houses, the king, local governors, or other such factions. Generally, their rulings are accepted by all.

2. Rulership of the city and its eponymous region, falls on the shoulders of its governor, the Satrap of Tlatl. He (and it is almost exclusively a male-dominated position) is responsible for the military training for Ys' armies, mustering soldiers, protecting the borders, and making sure that each of the other satrapies of Ys continue their loyal vassalship to Tzolagar at Cheotlin. The relationship between the satrap and the Tzutlycannites is always good; between the satrap and the senate, almost exclusively bad; between the satrap and the people it depends on the particular ruler. Satraps are usually appointed from above by the Tzolgarin Dynasts. If a position is vacant an interregnum proxy can be assigned, nominated by the senate. Oddly, such a "promoted" senator is much more likely to have an adversarial relationship with the senate.

3. The Yssian Senate governs the whole of the nation essentially as proxies for the regnant king of the Tzolgarin Dynasty. Ambitious nobles become senators and vie for further accolades, power, or the opportunity to move to the Tzolgarin court at Cheotlin. As such, it is not surprising that the senate tends to invite self-directed and over-ambitious people and is not well trusted by other factions, religious leaders, or the populace at large. Yssian senators frequently clash with each other and, perhaps more to their own peril, with the satraps throughout Ys in general and with the Satrap of Tlatl in particular.
  Senatorial assassination is not uncommon. Ambitious senators have been known to remove other senators, though violence. Most of such conflicts are between local senators, that is, of the satrapy of Tlatl. Other, satraps, are largely removed from senatorial violence by their regional distance from Tlatl. An Ysfeto noble, e.g., would not be involved in Tlatli intrigues. If, however, they were to be summoned to the senate, all bets are off.

*The name of the city is rendered commonly /tlætḷ/; however, among native speakers of Yssian languages (Callessai, Ysfeto, and other dialects/cognate languages) it is /tɬɑtɬ/.

Jade Yssian Home Glyph
Jade Green Yssian Glyph by 包德強
Jade colour is of a universal import. This glyph is found in the garden of pillars throughout Eastern Ys, predominantly among the Tzapli Yssians.

This particular rendering of the home-glyph is from a pillar garden in Ysfet near its border with the Suvatan wilds. The home-glyph represents the Yssian people, the region of Ys, and the seal of the Tzolgarin Dynasts who rule the nation. It is ubiquitous, particularly when carved in jade, or painted in jade colouring.

Founding Date
Circa 500 PA
Inhabitant Demonym
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Owning Organization
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*In Raachern, the common language of Gruthe, Tlatl is realized as /tlætḷ/ as none of the northern languages have the /tɬ/ sound common in Yssian and Xitzol languages.

Cover image: The Grand Tzutlycan Library of Tlatl at Dawn. by 包德強


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