Mud Wobbler Crab Species in P'Ache | World Anvil

Mud Wobbler Crab

At Home In The Swamp

The Mud Wobbler Crab is most commonly found in the swamps of P'Ache Micro, the smallest planet in the P'Ache Solar System.   They are found in and around Nuskan, the capital of the planet, and are one of the few species to survive the arrival of the Primians in 271 PT. They also live in other parts of the planet.


The Mud Wobbler Crab is so-called because of its tendency to burrow into the ground. When it emerges, the mud around it wobbles in a way which was somewhat unnerving to the Macrans when they first witnessed it.

Basic Information


Mud Wobbler Crabs have a rounded but knobbly dark brown carapace, with crimped edges. They have six legs and two large claws at the front which they use for protection, communication, excavating burrows, attracting mates and gathering food. As well as two eyes, they have two antennae and a mouth which has a pair of mandibles designed to make eating easier.  

Dietary Needs

These crabs are simultaneously primary and secondary consumers as they aren't picky eaters. They eat plants, algae and some of the moss which grows on the Hometree - Fenfolium Abordormusia. They will also eat living or dead small fish, insects, worms and even other crabs.  

Life Cycle

Mud Wobbler Crabs are born male and turn female at the end of their life. They are impregnated by a younger male and then burrow down into the mud where they lay up to 5,000 eggs and then die. When the young are born they feast on the corpse of their mother and fatten up on other small creatures living in the mud, before digging up to the surface.  

Place in the World

Symbotic Relationships

These crabs spend a lot of time burrowing into the mud and digging their way out of it again. This process aerates the mud, providing oxygen and surface nutrients to the creatures who live in the mud as well as the roots of the hometrees.


There are several predators who enjoy the taste of the Mud Wobbler Crab. These include the Numsonter Otters, who enjoy cracking the younger ones open and feasting on the meat inside. Once they reach adulthood they are of interest to the hawks and reptiles at the top of the food chain.


The Macrans who live in Nuskan were quick to discover that inside the Mud Wobbler's carapace is a fair amount of meat which is a good source of protein. While it is considered a "cheap" or "working class" food, it is easy to prepare, and can be delicious when cooked in the shell.

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Locations Ecosystem of Nuskan Swamps, 271 PT, Nuskan, P'Ache Micro, P'Ache Solar System, Peacekeeper Territories
Species Macran, Hometree - Fenfolium Abordormusia
30 - 45 years
Average Weight
3 kg (6.5 lbs)
Average Length
10cm - 40cm (4in - 16in)
Geographic Distribution


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Apr 11, 2024 11:38 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

I love the image of them wobbling the mud as they emerge. :D What a fun little creature.

Apr 18, 2024 19:22 by Elspeth

<3 I'm glad you like them! :D