Formation of the Alliance Military Conflict in P'Ache | World Anvil

Formation of the Alliance

The Conflict


The run up to the conflict known more formally as the Formation of the Peacekeeper Alliance was full of conversations and orders from the Peacekeepers towards the Asora.   The Peacekeepers struggled with understanding why the Asora wouldn't want to be occupied by them as they considered their way of life far superior to that of the Asora and spent a lot of time attempting to instruct them on how to be better. This didn't go over well with the Asora and while they were kind and patient to start, but grew tired after several years of not feeling listened to by the Peacekeepers.


As the Peacekeepers had several centuries of successful space travel under their belts, while the Asora where barely cognisant of life beyond their planet surface, it was the Peacekeepers who came to the Asora.    Tensions within the Peacekeeper ranks rose as the Asora seemed less and less willing to follow their orders, until eventually a High Ranking Peacekeeper called Peacekeeper H'mpt reached his last nerve and decided to take matters into his own hands. He ordered troops to land on Asor and take control out of the hands of the Asora, as they clearly couldn't rule themselves as well as the Peacekeepers could.

The Engagement

The war lasted 3 years. Despite their lack of space travel, the Asora were unsurprisingly resistant to the Peacekeeper forces and weren't afraid to use everything at their disposal to stop them.   There were several major battles, but the largest was colloquially referred to as the Battle of Attrition, during which the Asora managed to isolate a troop of Peacekeepers and prevent supplies from reaching them for several months. They then sent instructions to the Peacekeeper High Command that they would return the troops if the Peacekeepers left Asor. In this they misjudged the value the High Command would place on Peacekeeper life, and their plan went south. High Command left their troops to die, focusing instead on battles they knew they could win.


All Asora report to Peacekeeper Command, and the planet and its resources became part of Peacekeeper Alliance.


The Asora lost their sense of who they were before. Not all sense of it but much of their culture was lost.    In addition, the Peacekeepers discovered Larite beneath the planet's crust and dedicated time and resources to the destruction of one third of the planet in order to extract this rare material.
Conflict Type
Conflict Result
Asora lost and became the first foreign planet to be part of the Peacekeeper Commonwealth

Articles under Formation of the Alliance


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