Ryia Crewe Character in Ossin | World Anvil
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Ryia Crewe

Ryia Crewe (a.k.a. Ry)

A Shinobi within The Division, Ryia is the first member of her family to ever join their ranks.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Fit regular build, agile, known to throw a mean punch

Body Features

Dark skin with reddish orange undertones

Facial Features

An edgy face, with high cheekbones

Physical quirks

Right handed, confident gait that many have said reminds them of a general.

Apparel & Accessories

Has the general Tyro uniform, plus a three quarter sleeve dark blue shirt and dark grey pants.

Specialized Equipment

Uses short swords and daggers, received a Pristine Elven Short Sword with an Ironwood core from Sariel Mithanmyr. The blade has a single edge and a curve; it deals more damage then the average blade.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

The youngest of four children Ryia's parents expected each of their children to follow in their footsteps of a life in academia. Her mother Wendy spent her years focusing on the history of the land while her father Merek became an accomplished astrologer; both were considered well respected within their fields and were assigned to work in one of the best schools in The Hidden City of Beltin. After marrying they had Ryia's twin brothers Athan and Peyton and then two years later her brother Tristan and then finally four years later Ryia. The three elder siblings followed in their parents footsteps; the twins moved to the capital when they were accepted into Kerith-Valandras while Tristan stayed in Beltin to apprentice with his father.
As Ryia grew up she found it hard to focus on her parents lessons and often skipped out on them to watch the training Shinobi at one of the near by grounds. Her brothers often tried to get her interested in different academics; Athan a skilled mathematician, Peyton well versed in bardic traditions, and Tristan knew almost everything about the stars but nothing grabbed her interest. She seemed to spend far more time fighting off anyone who would tease them using not only her fists but the witty comebacks Peyton would right down for her. It was only after her mother pointed out that she wouldn't be able to get into The Academy with out passing both the physical and practical exams that Ryia took her studies seriously; soon finding that she took a real love to history especially when it came to the great battles fought on Fellmoore. She would stay up night after night pouring over books her mother and Peyton introduced her to, her favorites being the recounting of The Campaign of Fallen Crowns and The Battle of Bone Hill.
At the age of thirteen she tested into The Academy and quickly took to mid and close range combat and excelled at team leader exercises thanks to her study of past wars and battles. By the time graduation came around most agreed that she would make a great team leader and eventual unit leader. She was placed on a team with Ladore Elendiir, Arthur Finore, and the leader Amelia Drake.

Gender Identity



Her parents are teachers and put her through private studies along with her siblings, she then joined The Academy at the age of 13.


Works in the Tyro unit and is moving towards a leadership position in the Lexis Unit.

Intellectual Characteristics

Some what philosophical, is well read in military history and is a good problem solver

Morality & Philosophy

That it is part of a shinobi's job to ensure that their country remains in the dark and safe from the threats that come for it.

Personality Characteristics


Wishes to become the unit leader for Tyro
Lawful Neutral
Current Location
Year of Birth
924 ACW 58 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Born on the 20th of Dorwine
Dark chocolate brown eyes
Brown hair kept back in a tight bun
165 lbs
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Common, some Manzua taught to her by Arthur, and some dwarfish taught to her by her father's assistant.


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