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City of Spores

Journey to Tvintiir: day 35: I can hardly wait to see the city and it's technological wonders. Today was, I think the first glimpse of it though and it fills me with a sense of foreboding. A great column of smoke, yellow tinged, can be seen rising from the north, directly from Mount Tvintiir itself. I had heard there had been difficulties in the region but this may indicate that the city fared worst than I expected.

An account of the City of Spores
from the Journal of Apprentice Azuretree,
transcribed by Prof. Tellian Waywocket

The City of Spores arose from the ruins of Tvintiir. It was as the last gnolls of the Sandpack prowled through the vanquished city, burning, pillaging, and killing those they found hiding, that the vast presence of was first felt. Spreading outward from the central LTA spire, within hours the entire upper city was covered in vast fungal growths and, in only a few more days, the undercity was also choked out.

There have been many theories on the source of the fungal monstrosity that arose from the ruins. Some believe it to have been a spell cast by a desperate defender in their last moments that went awry. Others believe it was a final defense prepared into the fabric of the city to prevent the accumulated knowledge from falling into the wrong hands. Still others believe that it was some
by Arimel via Midjourney
concoction or spell that had been there for a longer period of time before it was finally released by accident when the mages containing it were killed and the devastation began. With all of the faculty of the original Library of Technological Advances having fallen in the final battle, the answer will probably never be known.

The architecture of the City of Spores

Journey to Tvintiir: day 38: Even as my caravan neared the city I could tell something was wrong. The forest of spires and towers, metal and stone, that the legends all described in elustrious detail were all missing. Instead, vast bulbs and delicate tendrils of growth in vibrant hues of orange, red, and blue covered the entire hilltop. I, at that point, nearly felt despair after all I had journey through to reach the city.

An account of the City of Spores
from the Journal of Apprentice Azuretree,
transcribed by Prof. Tellian Waywocket

To the first time viewer, the appearance of the City of Spores can be quite a shock. The entire city is composed of fungi, from giant stocked mushrooms strong enough to support a dozen houses to thin and wispy fans too weak to support a humanoid but sturdy enough to ensnare the quickest of birds. Vast ropes and bridges of fungal matter stretch between the higher fungal towers, forming vast networks of paths dozens of feet above the ground. The colors of the wisps of fungus blow on the breeze in vibrant colors, almost as flags in the wind.

The denizens of the city have adapted to this new environment and set up a symbiotic relationship. Guided by Tellian Waywocket and Remona Ferndown Wellwater, the residents care for the fungi, protecting them from the parasites that delve into its poisonous core and, in turn, they shape the fungi to provide shelter and housing for themselves. The houses tend to follow the shape of the mushrooms, with most rooms being irregular in shape and built under the overhang of a mushroom or off the ground in the arcs formed between them. The largest of rooms are formed from multiple interlacing fungi.

The result of this is that the city almost resembles a giant spiderweb or catacomb more than a city itself, being more composed of bridges and tunnels than flat ground.

Maintaining the peace

Journey to Tvintiir: day 39: It was only on the knowledge that I would sure starve to death if I turned back into the desert that I decided to keep going and approach the 'city'. The relief I felt when we were halted at the edge by the protector cannot be understated. Clad in the familiar robes of my late teacher it assured me that some semblance of the LTA still resided here.

An account of the City of Spores
from the Journal of Apprentice Azuretree,
transcribed by Prof. Tellian Waywocket

There are two known types of defenses to the City of Spores, a passive and active form. The active defense consists of the protector. The protector is a single person or small group of people who have been given the responsibility for the city's safety. They are tasked with both keeping crime to minimum and keeping outside threats at bay. Generally protectors are appointed in payment for a piece of knowledge they came to acquire from the Library, the time that they serve being commensurate with the amount they asked. During their time of service, they are equipped by the city and clad as full members of the LTA to provide them the authority necessary to carry out their duties.

The more passive defense comes from the fungi themselves. The City is a dangerous environment for those unfamiliar with it. Many of the fungi are poisonous and attract similarly defenses insects. The wisps of fungus while effective at capturing birds and small prey can also incopacitate the unprepared humanoid. There have even been reported sightings of instances where the fungi gains a more mobile form to hunt down prey within it and it's hinterland. Finally, it is known that the fungi reacts badly to fire. Although initially it may contract and retreat, after a few moments it's growth increases tenfold and can overwhelm those near it with its exponential growth.



Life within the CoS: day 3: Although the legends described a different city entirely, if Tvintiir was even half of what I have seen here in what I now know of as the City of Spores it was a magnificent place indeed. The comforts of living here are astounding. The hot water from the taps, the self-powered carriages, the artificial lighting, and flying ships all seem like aspects of a fairy tale of similar proportions to that of Fobbin Bood!

An account of the City of Spores
from the Journal of Apprentice Azuretree,
transcribed by Prof. Tellian Waywocket

The City of Spores follows the legacy of it's predecessor Tvintiir in it's pursuit of knowledge and technology. Although the coal-gem was abandoned as a power source, a new source of power was discovered in the very spores within the city. When they are combined with heat the resulting reaction can be harvested for energy to power devices.

  Tellian used this knowledge to design the earliest spore engine and his work was quickly adapted by other mind to create more powerful and larger scale models.

  This has been used to advance the technology of the city to nearly the same standards as before the destruction of the earlier city. Plumbing, transportation, lighting, and powered magical devices are all among the uses that the new power source has been put.

The most prominent device that has been recreated with the spore engine though and is now what is associated with the City of Spores is the airship. These massive devices provide the quickest transport in the north of Tangearin and are employed by many with connections to the city.

Locations within the city

Life within the CoS: day 21: My favorite place within the city so far has been the Boulevard of Heroes. Exquisitely carved from huge chunks of black stone, these statues and their surroundings provide a very tranquil and relaxing environment to study within.

An account of the City of Spores
from the Journal of Apprentice Azuretree,
transcribed by Prof. Tellian Waywocket

Boulevard of Heroes

The Boulevard of Heroes is a long road in the center of the City of Spores. It has been shaped to be entirely encircled by tranquil wisps of fungi flowing quietly in an ever present breeze. Sound has also been magically reduced in the area so that a shout only carries as a whisper.

Along the center of the boulevard are the heroes, statues carved from a polished black stone. They represent the different heroes that were present at the fall of Tvintiir including Gerald the brave, Knaz McBlarn, Captain Glimmerspark, Captain Lundo Carver, Short Larry, and, at the very end of the boulevard, the The Coal Crushers themselves.

Chasm of Spores

The Chasm of Spores is located at the base of the spire of the old library. This crack in the mountain continuously issues a cloud of spores that rise up into the outer city and sky. The sides of the chasm are coated in the most poisonous of the growths known in the city and even those purported to be immune to poison's touch have felt ill in their presence.

The quantity of spores in this location and has led to this being where the majority of the spore engines powering the city are located. It is well known though that should one of them malfunction and their flame escape the consequences to the city could be disastrous.

The Library

The library with Tvintiir is held in a large fungi complex near the heart of the city. It stands within the largest fungal spire, a vast network of passages and tunnels that reaches over a hundred feet into the air. The structure is alarming for most people on their first visit due to how it sways gently in the lightest of winds. However, even when the harshest of sandstorms sweep up from the Sandswept Wastes the structure stands firm, reinforced by magic and the integrity of the fungal membrane itself.

The central chamber of the library is known as the web for, from here, the most limb of students could climb from the bottom of the chamber all the way to the ceiling on the webs of fungus that stretch across it. This has resulted in a need for magic to prevent falling after a few near deaths.

The Undercity

The undercity is the most dangerous place in the City of Spores. None who have venture far into its depths have returned. It is formed from the original mines and below ground chambers from Tvintiir and is choked out by the fungus growths. The few who have tread it's outer boundaries have said that the toxic clouds that issue up from the depths are just the first hurdle in descending, causing hallucinations and worse.
by Arimel via Midjourney

Living in the CoS: day 409: I can finally say that I am one with the city. Today, when examining myself in the mirror, I saw my first sign of being Spore Marked, a faint patch of scaled skin on the back of my neck. The city had claimed me and I will bear it's mark with honor.

An account of the City of Spores
from the Journal of Apprentice Azuretree,
transcribed by Prof. Tellian Waywocket
Founding Date
2328 AC

Articles under City of Spores

Cover image: by Marco Allegretti
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