Chainguard Profession in OperaQuest | World Anvil
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A chainguard is a law enforcement officer of the Chain of Charon, the police force of the city of Dancamort. Chainguards are easily recognizable by the scattering of electrum-plated rings that dot their black iron chainmail, and by the red-and-gold crest of the Chain on their gauntlets.  

Chainguard Brute CR: 7

Medium humanoid, lawful evil
Armor Class: 18 (chain mail and shield)
Hit Points: 136hp (16d8+64) 16d8+64
Speed: 30 ft


18 +4


12 +1


18 +4


10 +0


14 +2


8 -1

Saving Throws: Strength +8, Constitution +8
Skills: Athletics +8, Intimidation +6, Insight +6, Perception +10.
Senses: Darkvision 60 ft., Passive Perception 20.
Languages: Common, Celestial, Infernal
Challenge Rating: 7

The chainguard brute uses Wisdom as their spellcasting ability (+6 to hit, save DC 16).

At will: Detect Magic, Gift of Alacricity, Mage Armor.

1/day: Locate Object, Hold Person, Darkvision.

2/day: Suggestion, Counterspell, Dispel Magic.

3/day: Command, Pass Without Trace, See Invisibility.

Gift of Alacricity. The chainguard brute adds 1d8 to all initiative rolls.
Merciless Pursuit. The chainguard brute has advantage on attacks of opportunity.
Brute. The chainguard brute adds an extra damage die to critical hits.
Indomitable Defense. The chainguard brute has advantage on Strength checks and Strength saving throws. When they make an attack, they gain a +2 bonus to damage roll.
Reaper's Judgment (Recharge 5-6). When the chainguard hits a creature with an attack roll made with this scythe, they can choose to add 3d8 necrotic damage to the roll.


Multiattack. The chainguard brute makes two attacks with their scythe and one with their shield.
Scythe. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 2d4+6 slashing damage.
Shield. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 9 (2d4 + 4) bludgeoning damage. If the target is a Medium or smaller creature, it must succeed on a DC 16 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone.
  Shackle. The chainguard brute may attempt to restrain and shackle any prone target within 5 ft. Target must succeed on a DC 18 DEX save or be grappled, restrained, and lose the use of their hands. If the chainguard moves out of the target's space, the target is no longer grappled.


Parry. The chainguard adds 3 to its AC against one melee attack that would hit it. To do so, the chainguard must see the attacker and be wielding a melee weapon.
  Shield Master. If the chainguard is subjected to an effect that allows them to make a Dexterity saving throw to take only half damage, they can use their reaction to take no damage if they succeed on the saving throw, interposing your shield between themselves and the source of the effect.

A Chainguard brute is a member of the Chain of Charon who uses their intimidation and brute force to subdue criminals and keep the populace of Dancamort in line.

Chainguard Plaincloak CR: 7

Medium humanoid, lawful evil
Armor Class: 18
Hit Points: 91 (14d8+28) 14d8+28
Speed: 50 ft


10 +0


18 +4


14 +2


12 +1


18 +4


8 -1

Saving Throws: DEX +8, WIS +8
Skills: Acrobatics +8, Insight +8, Perception +12, Stealth +12.
Damage Resistances: poison
Condition Immunities: charmed, frightened, poisoned
Senses: Darkvision 60 ft., blindsight 10 ft., Passive Perception 22.
Languages: Common, Celestial, Infernal
Challenge Rating: 7

The chainguard plaincloak uses Wisdom as their spellcasting ability (+6 to hit, save DC 16).

At will: Detect Magic, Gift of Alacricity, Mage Armor, Minor Illusion.

1/day: Locate Object, Hold Person, Darkvision, Silence.

2/day: Suggestion, Counterspell, Dispel Magic, Darkness.

3/day: Command, Pass Without Trace, See Invisibility.

Gift of Alacricity. The chainguard plaincloak adds 1d8 to all initiative rolls.
Shadow Step (Recharge 4-6). When the chainguard is in dim light or darkness, as a bonus action they can teleport up to 60 feet to an unoccupied space they can see that is also in dim light or darkness. They then have advantage on the first melee attack they make before the end of the turn.
Merciless Pursuit. The chainguard plaincloak has advantage on attacks of opportunity.
Reaper's Judgment (Recharge 5-6). When the chainguard hits a creature with an attack roll made with this scythe, they can choose to add 3d8 necrotic damage to the roll.


Multiattack. The chainguard plaincloak makes two attacks with their scythe and two unarmed strikes.
Scythe. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 2d4+4 slashing damage if wielded one-handed, or 2d6+4 slashing damage if wielded two-handed.
Unarmed Strike. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 2d4+6 slashing damage.
  Shackle. The chainguard brute may attempt to restrain and shackle any prone target within 5 ft. Target must succeed on a DC 14 DEX save or be grappled, restrained, and lose the use of their hands. If the chainguard moves out of the target's space, the target is no longer grappled.


Deflect Missile. In response to being hit by a ranged attack, the chainguard plaincloak attempts to catch the missile. The damage from the attack is reduced by 1d10+18.

Chainguard plaincloaks lurk the streets of Dancamort, concealing their distinctive gauntlets behind long sleeves. They are always watching for breaches of Dancamortian law, and may strike at a moment's notice.



Members of the chainguard must stand at least 5'10" tall and pass a rigorous physical examination given by the Guard. They must be proficient in both armed and unarmed combat; many chainguards have a background in Warrior Monk training from the Hadesian Basilica, though this is not required. Additionally, all chainguards must be members in good standing of the Basilica's congregation, with a record of at least one full year of offerings and attendance.   Once prospective chainguards pass their entrance exams (held every three years on the day after New Year's Dawn), they begin a six-month daily training academy, held at Charon's Keep. Here, they learn the laws of Dancamort and train more rigorously on the specific equipment employed by the Chain. At the end of the academy, they are assigned to their squadrons.

Payment & Reimbursement

Chainguards are extremely well-paid, earning a starting salary of ten electrum coins per week. A retired chainguard who has served for at least twenty years maintains this salary until a year after their death; the next-of-kin of a chainguard killed in the line of duty receives this salary for two years after the chainguard's death. Additionally, a chainguard may keep half of any fines they levy on criminals.

Other Benefits

Chainguards and their families enjoy high social status among law-abiding citizens in the upper classes of Dancamort. They receive higher priority for divine healing at the Basilica, and their children pay lower tuition for private schooling throughout the city, including at the prestigious Azerus Hadesia University.   Most importantly, all chainguards (whether killed in the line of duty or dying of natural causes) have plants perpetually tended in their memory at the Conservatory of Souls, allowing their Soul to pass between Hades and Elysium in the afterlife.



Chainguards are the police force of Dancamort. They exist to enforce the laws of the land, protect property, and deter violence and criminal activity.

Social Status

Chainguards are highly respected by officials and the wealthy; in fact, becoming a chainguard is one of the few ways for someone born in a lower class to gain the respect of the nobility of Dancamort. However, they are mistrusted among the lower classes for their reputation as protectors only of the wealthy, and outright despised by those with criminal ties.


The size of the Chain of Charon's forces mean that Dancamort has a significantly higher number of guards per capita than almost all other cities, with the exception of the Citadel of the Wild.



Chainguard wear enchanted gauntlets emblazoned with the Chain's crest, and either special armor (when in visible positions) or dark-colored plain clothing (when operating stealthily). All chainguards carry the Chainguard's Scythe at all times, even when not on duty.  


Chainguard's Scythe


Uncommon Requires Attunement

Heavy, finesse. Counts as a monk weapon.

The scythe is typically carried as two electrum coins pressed with Hades' likeness and symbol, tied together with a red thread. As a bonus action, you can speak the command phrase "The wages of sin are death," and the coins will transform into a scythe. Alternately, you can use a bonus action to speak the command phrase "Charon's toll is paid," and the scythe will transform back into two coins.

Reaper's Judgment. When you hit a creature with an attack roll made with this scythe, you can choose to add 3d8 necrotic damage to the roll. You can do this a number of times per day up to your proficiency bonus.

Inescapable Fate. Attacks of opportunity made with the scythe have advantage.

Type Damage Damage Range
Martial Melee 2d4 Slashing 5 ft.

Weight: 10 lbs.

Provided Services

The primary job of a chainguard is to stop and apprehened anyone they see engaging in criminal activity, from low-level infractions like petty theft and public indecency to serious crimes like murder and Resurrection. Chainguards are instructed to use their own personal judgment in how much force is necessary to stop a crime in progress or apprehend a criminal.   Once a chainguard catches someone committing a crime, it is their job to decide what punishment that person faces. Imprisonment is relatively uncommon in Dancamort, and typically reserved for either petty criminals who they believe may serve as useful witnesses in larger crimes, or serial offenders that the throne wishes to offer as sacrifices during the Blood Moon's Nexus. Instead, the chainguards prefer to hand out on-the-spot punishments for the majority of crimes. For less-serious crimes, they may ask the offender to pay a fine; those who cannot pay or refuse to pay will usually be whipped on the spot before they are let go. Felons, even those who surrender to the chainguard, are killed more often than not. If death is not legally considered a harsh enough sentence for these felons, they will be subject to Corpse Conscription, taken to a Necromancer to be reanimated as Undead creatures, and forced to work in the Hadesian mines and quarries or defend The Wall.   Because of their reputation, the mere presence of a chainguard patrol in a given area is usually enough to deter crime. Nobles, landowners, businesses, and organizations lobby the Chain of Charon to assign its chainguards to patrol in their territory. Most of any chainguard's time is spent merely standing or pacing around a small area, partially keeping an eye out for criminal behavior, but mostly providing a steady and visible presence around a place.

Dangers & Hazards

Chainguards are frequently killed or injured in the line of duty, though not often by individual criminals. Instead, specific criminal organizations like the (insert) may send a larger band of warriors after a specific member who kills one of their own. Many chainguards are also killed in fights that they themselves start with one or more combatants who they suspect of breaking laws.
Alternative Names
reapers, bulettes or "bulies" (after their bulette crest; derogatory)
No amount of force used by a chainguard, up to and including lethal force, is considered illegal in stopping a crime.
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