Necromancer Profession in OperaQuest | World Anvil
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A necromancer is a spellcaster whose magic deals in the boundaries between life and death.



Necromancy is considered, by and large, to be the domain of the Wizard. However, the basic principles of necromantic magic are needed for any Resurrection practice, and are therefore studied by almost any Cleric.


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There are two widely recognized types of necromancy magic: ensouled necromancy and befouled necromancy. Ensouled necromancy is the practice of returning a Soul to a corpse alongside the spark of life; befouled necromancy ignores the soul that once inhabited the body and simply reanimates it. Necromancers who use arcane magic (as the vast majority do) tend to restrict themselves to the practice of befouled necromancy, engaging with ensouled necromancy purely for research purposes if at all.
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