The Wall Geographic Location in OperaQuest | World Anvil
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The Wall

The Wall is an enormous dam built over the River Styx in the deepest reaches of Dancamort, separating the city from the unknown horrors that lurk beyond it. According to legend, the god Hades ordered it built to differentiate between his realms and to protect mortals from their own curiosity about the Lower Planes.

Localized Phenomena

Lesser Fiends often appear near cracks or breaches in The Wall, as do Monstrosity-like creatures not otherwise found in Hadesia. The likelihood of a child being born a Tiefling seems to increase exponentially the closer its mother's home is to the Wall, leading some sages to believe that it serves to block a direct portal between the Lower Planes and the Material Plane. However, a handful of Aasimar children have paradoxically also been born in close proximity to the Wall.


The Wall was built as part of the creation of the Three Brothers Isles, in the settlements after the Litigation of Flames. Its construction was planned by the Celestial Courts, directed by angels from Mount Celestia and devils from the realms of Hades, and carried out by the modrons of Mechanus.   For its entire existence, though, the Wall has been porous, unsteady, and in need of constant rebuilding and defensive efforts. Significant breaches occurred in Y165, Y366-398, and most notably Y506. There was then a nearly six-century quiet period, until the sudden and historic Breach of Y1089, in which hordes of demons flooded the Deep Hollow neighborhood, forcing mass evacuations and the closure of many of the hollow's major institutions.   In the years since the Breach of Y1089, there has been consistent political pressure to further fortify the Wall. By order of King Creon of the Olympian Throne in Y1097, the number of crimes eligible for Corpse Conscription by the Chain of Charon expanded, and the rate of the sentence has increased by over three hundred percent.
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