Khûm – Chapter 15 in Ondûn | World Anvil
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Khûm – Chapter 15

“Spring of 68, Second Age. Snowperch.
Whew. Close call, tell you what. For a minute there – the queen, the commander, the lunkhead – they’re all turning gray and stony and I thought things were sure to go sideways.
Yet, once again, they found a way to pull through. And bring the queen back too.
Run the numbers and I think you’ll see that this church, this Mystriarchy nonsense, has tried every trick in their book to stop the queen from killing these dragons. Any chance they had got thrown right out the courtyard. That means there’s nothing standing in our way now.
You understand me?
Now, nothing stands between us and that great damn dragon hungry to burn us to the cinders. Our plan better be sound, our designs in place, our numbers enough. ‘Cause I don’t think we’ll get another shot at this either.”
– Beholder's Log, Hemson 56 68 2A
  Yorgos of Nyre greeted the sons of Chimera over breakfast in his tent. They attempted to grill him over his plans with their mother but he remained evasive. Instead, he offered the services of List of Iron Word members, his Sixfold cleric, in exchange for their assurance that Chimera would come down the hill to talk with him. Before they left, Yorgos offered Griffon his sword back, newly enchanted in Truethrone, and suggested Umber open his ears more.   Back in Snowperch, Remorhaz approached Mouse about his troubles with Willow but found the kobold's advice less than helpful. While seeking a potential gift for her, he was approached by Nolqa Axebite, who offered him, in thanks for his help in saving her life, access to a hidden bunker beneath the ruins of Timberhall. Mouse, meanwhile, sought out Willow and asked after Remorhaz, receiving Willow's honest answer about her feelings towards her old elven comrade.   Thanks to Goatherd, Khosava Bracebow was unpetrified, a fact which almost seemed to disappoint the fascinated artificer. When Umber confronted Griffon about how Yorgos had his sword, Griffon who admitted the truth; Yorgos was his father. Together, they confronted Chimera and, while she brushed them off, Griffon cut her to the core. With a resigned sigh, she strode off to meet with the Iron Word's commander. This didn't satisfy the brothers and, under the auspices of hunting a kobold prisoner in the Firewood, they followed her into the camp to eavesdrop on the conversation.   The Commander's Tent talked their way into the Iron Word camp at the foot of Hemradan. Umber and Griffon snuck away to eavesdrop on the conversation between mother and father; Yorgos offering Chimera the company after he retires. Meanwhile, Remorhaz confronted Kothia, once Stirge , and they traded barbs about Rem's future. As they exited the camp, Mouse caught sight of Brother Sorav, alive, in the Iron Word's custody.   The prospect of bagging a pine-devil was a daunting one. Thus far, they'd proved so elusive neither of the mercenary companies ever even laid eyes on one. Electing to wander into the forest in search of a booby trap, they were perhaps too successful in this, when Umber toppled into a spiked pit trap. As the wooden doors closed on him, the rest of the party prepared to meet the whooping war-party that came hustling in.
Campaign: The Menagerie
Game Date: Hemson 56, 68 2A
Starting Point: The Roofbeams
Characters Present:

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