Session 64 - The Ancient City Report in Nevurdul | World Anvil
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Session 64 - The Ancient City

General Summary

Our Misfits prepared for the journey to the City of Steel! Sasha Densharr discovered how appreciative Remington Kingdom's people really were of her. Hamilton cobbled together his knowledge of Cepharrians. And Finn returned Dot to her rightful owner. The party said their goodbyes to their loved ones in Remington Kingdom, before heading out!
After a long 5-day trip that saw the party testing how long Hamilton could sleep in one sitting (29 hours) and Finn continuing his reading of Extending the Olive Branch, the path began to slope down below the surface. As they descended, the party was attacked by a bandit ambush!
Despite their best efforts, the party was humbled by the realization that they were no match these low-level bandits. They packed into the carriage and fled further down the slope, with Eleanor and Finn both sustaining heavy injuries.
The party arrived at the City of Steel, where they met a man named Miller. He said that he worked for the Baron, and his men had seen the fight go down. He ordered the party to drop their weapons, and confiscated them, but allowed them to come inside. Everyone saw Miller hold a medallion of his own, which he used to control two Cepharrian drones.
Miller brought the party to a lodging building, where Eleanor parted ways with the rest of the group to get some rest. Meanwhile, the rest of the party went to the remains of Skudhauser's airship, The Apex, to speak with the man himself.
As they entered the airship, and passing by a shark-man, the party reunited with Alice Roldwin, who seemed to have really cleaned up her act. She was far less rambunctious than when she traveled with the party. Alice escorted the trio into the captain’s quarters, where they met an uncomfortably-sweaty Skudhauser.
The party told him about the details of the events in Remington, besides the parts about the Queens, despite Hamilton’s best efforts. Skudhauser was convinced by the possibility that someone could have been lying about what they had discovered in the deeper parts of the ruins, and suddenly bolted outside.
Skudhauser revealed to the party that the City of Steel has been having power issues lately, and that whatever the Cepharrians used to power their civilization was being tampered with. He offered the party a deal: find out what’s happening with the power inside the ruins, and in exchange, they can check for evidence of similar constructs to the one they saw. The party accepted.
But Skudhauser wasn’t going to let the party go down there alone. He revealed that a certain someone would be accompanying them: Nikolai Goodwin!

Rewards Granted

  • 100 Gold from Luca Strain
Report Date
20 Mar 2021
Primary Location

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